Sunday, March 09, 2025

Tuesday's Trouble - week 29

| April 15, 2021 1:00 AM

Alice VanGundy had a tremendous day. She got high scratch game 222, high scratch series 533, high handicap game 286 and high handicap series 725.

Elaine Wheeler got second high scratch game 158, second high scratch series 457 and third handicap series 649.

Donna Kent got third high scratch game 151.

Carolyn McNeill got thi9rd high scratch series 414.

Dolores Sweet got second high handicap game 240 and second high handicap series 652.

Virginia Sanborn got third high handicap game 228.

The Aspen (Alice VanGundy, Carolyn McNeill, Gail Thompson) took it all: high scratch game 480, high scratch series 1296, high handicap game 697 and high handicap series 1947.

The Mighty Oaks (Virginia Sanborn, Donna Kent, Dolores Sweet) got second high scratch game 397, second high handicap game 663 and second high handicap series 1848.

The Willows (Evelyn Smith, Elaine Wheeler, Jeanne Osborn) got third high scratch game 381, second high scratch series 1118 and third high handicap series 1802.

The Strong Elms (Lil Jimenez, Regina Colby, Kathy Konek) got third high scratch series 1010.

Alice VanGundy got six strikes in a row. Wow! Doubles were bowled by Donna Kent and Carolyn McNeill.

Splits were converted by Dolores Sweet (5-10), Gail Thompson (2-7), Virginia Sanborn and Carolyn McNeill (3-10).