Thursday, February 13, 2025

Legals for April, 22 2021

| April 22, 2021 12:00 AM

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE On Wednesday, August 11, 2021, at the hour of 2:00 P.M. Pacific Daylight Savings Time of said day, at 6977 Main St #8553, Bonners Ferry, Boundary County, Idaho 83805, Stanley Birnbaum, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property ("Property"), situated in the County of Boundary, State of Idaho, and described as follows to wit: PARCEL I A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW1/4 NE1/4) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE1/4 NE1/4) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Sixty-one (61) North, Range One (1) West, of the Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the east line of the SW1/4 NE1/4 of said Section 24 that is N00°22'38"E, 279.74 feet from the southeast corner of said SW1/4 NE1/4; thence N69°53'27"W, 495.49 feet to the center of an existing road, as it existed on December 21, 2005; thence, along the center of said road for the following six (6) courses, N82°55'42"W, 93.97 feet; thence N79°16'26"W, 84.25 feet; thence N60°30'13"W, 47.52 feet; thence N49°07'57"W, 27.50 feet; thence S76°53'37"W, 39.12 feet; thence N77°09'12"W, 72.26 feet; thence, along the center of an existing road, as it existed on May 1, 2004 for the following three (3) courses, N49°20'14"W, 48.55 feet; thence S68°31'23"W, 89.92 feet; thence N70º28'35"W, 25.91 feet to the northwesterly line of that parcel described in Instrument Number 222529; thence, along said northwesterly line for the following seven (7) courses, N08º32'09"E, 34.98 feet; thence N28°47'20"E, 216.41 feet; thence N63°55'53"E, 124.25 feet; thence N68°38'05"E, 197.43 feet; thence N88°47'44"E, 178.01 feet; thence N53°31'16"E, 280.70 feet; thence S88°31'40"E, 156.49 feet to the east line of said SW1/4 NE1/4, said point being a rebar and plastic cap marked PLS 6050 in the center of an existing road; thence, leaving said northwesterly line and along the east line of said SW1/4 NE1/4, N00°22'38"E, 259.58 feet to the northeast corner of said SW1/4 NE1/4; thence, along the northerly line of that parcel described in Instrument Number 218006, S59°23'23"E 227.67 feet to the northerly corner of that parcel described in Instrument Number 226347; thence, along the westerly line of that parcel described in Instrument Number 226347 for the following ten (10) courses, S32º04'08"W, 374.42 feet; thence S49°43'28"W, 499.56 feet; thence S22°22'54"W, 107.69 feet; thence N79°57'51"E, 33.15 feet; thence N62°38'07"E, 72.33 feet; thence N30°00'00"E, 118.75 feet; thence N53°48'11"E, 45.25 feet; thence N70°55'43"E, 130.47 feet; thence N83°00'00"E, 60.00 feet; thence S81°13'07"E, 45.65 feet to the east line of said SW1/4 NE1/4; thence, leaving the westerly line of that parcel described in Instrument Number 226347 and along said east line, S00°22'38"W, 390.26 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. PARCEL II A tract of land in the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SW 1/4 NE 1/4 ) of Section Twenty-four (24), Township Sixty-one (61) North, Range One (1) West, Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho; more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast corner of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4 of said Section 24, thence, along the south line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4 , N89°49'06"W, 1034.66 feet; thence, leaving said south line and along the westerly line of that parcel described in Instrument No. 222529, N08°32'09"E, 535.95 feet to the center of an existing road, as it existed on December 21, 2005; thence, along the center of said road for the following nine (9) courses, S70°28'35"E, 25.91 feet; thence N68°31'23"E, 89.92 feet; thence S49°20'14"E, 48.55 feet; thence S77°09'12"E, 72.26 feet; thence N76°53'37"E, 39.12 feet; thence S49°07'57"E, 27.50 feet; thence S60°30'13"E, 47.52 feet; thence S79°16'26"E, 84.25 feet; thence S82°55'42"E, 93.97 feet; thence, leaving said centerline, S69°53'27"E, 495.49 feet to the east line of said SW 1/4 NE 1/4 ; thence, along said east line, S00°22'38"W, 279.74 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. The Trustee has no knowledge of a more particular description of the Real Property, but for purposes of compliance with Section 60-113 Idaho Code, the Trustee is unaware that any mailing address is associated with the Real Property. The Boundary County Assessor's Tax Parcel No. for Parcel I of the Real Property is RP61N01W241210A; the Boundary County Assessor's Tax Parcel No. for Parcel II of the Real Property is RP61N01W241202A. This Trustee's Sale is subject to a bankruptcy filing, a payoff, a reinstatement or any other conditions of which the Trustee is not aware that would cause the cancellation of this sale. Further, if any of these conditions exist, this sale may be null and void, the successful bidder's funds shall be returned, and the Trustee and the Beneficiary shall not be liable to the successful bidder for any damages. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possessions or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust executed by Daniel J. Heaton and Karen S. Heaton, as Grantors with Vernon J. Mortenson and Marti E. Mortensen as the Beneficiary, under the Deed of Trust recorded September 6, 2005, as Instrument No. 222530, in the records of Boundary County, Idaho. The Beneficial interest of said Deed of Trust was subsequently assigned to Robert Gallaher and Susan Gallaher, recorded September 6, 2005, as Instrument No. 222531, in the records of said County, and further assigned to Dale J. Fontaine and Bonnie L., a Washington L.L.C. recorded September 6, 2005, as Instrument No. 222532, in the records of said County, and thereafter assigned to Guardianship Services of Seattle as Trustee of the Third Fontaine Irrevocable Dynasty Trust u/a dated 12/12/01, recorded June 29, 2015, as Instrument No. 264239, in the records of said County. THE ABOVE GRANTORS ARE NAMED TO COMPLY WITH SECTION 45-1506(4)(a), IDAHO CODE. NO REPRESENTATION IS MADE THAT THEY ARE, OR ARE NOT, PRESENTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS OBLIGATION. The default for which this sale is to be made is the failure to pay the amount due under the certain Promissory Note and Deed of Trust, in the amounts called for thereunder as follows: Monthly payments in the amount of $669.15 for the months of April 2014 through and including to the date of sale, together with late charges and monthly payments accruing. The sum owing on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $73,000.00 as principal, plus service charges, attorney's fees, costs of this foreclosure, any and all funds expended by Beneficiary to protect its security interest, and interest accruing at the rate of 8% from March 28, 2014, together with delinquent taxes plus penalties and interest to the date of sale; as of February 28, 2021 the amount of principal and interest and taxes paid the Beneficiary equaled $119,778.86. The Beneficiary elects to sell or cause the Real Property to be sold to satisfy said obligation. Dated this 30th day of March, 2021. /s/ Stanley Birnbaum BFH#10610/AD#447258 APRIL 1, 8, 15, 22, 2021

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GARVIN G. LYLE, Deceased Case No. CV11-21-0125 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this Notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of the Court. DATED this 1st day of February, 2021. /s/ Judith E. Lyle, Personal Representative c/o ELTC Law Group, PLLC Denise M. Stewart, Attorney PO Box 301 Newport, WA 99156 BFH#10614/AD#451482 APRIL 22, 29, MAY 6, 2021

STATE TIMBER SALE CR200379, FRAGILE A public oral auction will be conducted at the Idaho Department of Lands office, 2550 Highway 2 W., Sandpoint, ID 83864, at 9:00 a.m. local time, on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, for an estimated 5,660 MBF of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutting. In addition, there is an unestimated volume of forest products that may be removed at the option of the purchaser. Prior to bidding, eligible bidders shall present a certified check or bank draft payable to Treasurer, State of Idaho, or a bid bond acceptable to the State, in the amount of $117,235.70 which is 10% of the appraised net sale value of $1,172,357.00. The successful bidder's deposit will be forfeited to the State should the bidder fail to complete the contract. The State will not accept bids from parties who are delinquent on payments on existing state contracts. The average starting minimum bid price is $240.45 per MBF. The sale is located within Sections 10, 16, & 17, Township 60N, Range 01E and Sections 28 & 33, Township 60N, Range 01W, B.M., Boundary County, State of Idaho. Sale duration is 4 years. The sale may include blowdown and/or insect and disease infected timber which may result in additional volume and recovery reductions. Interested purchasers should carefully examine the sale and make their own estimates as to volume recovery, surface conditions, and proposed construction prior to bidding on the sale. Additional information concerning the timber and conditions of sale is available to the public and interested bidders on the department's timber sale website at or from the Idaho Department of Lands office, Sandpoint, Idaho. Please note purchaser insurance requirements posted on the timber sale website. The Department of Lands, as authorized by the State Board of Land Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all bids provided that good and sufficient grounds for rejecting the bid shall be stated in the rejection notice and shall not be in violation of applicable law. If you are disabled and need some form of accommodation, please call (208) 263-5104 five days prior to the date of sale. For text telephone services, please call 1-800-377-3529 BFH#10598/AD#443608 APRIL 1, 8, 15, 22, 2021

N O T I C E O F L E T T I N G Idaho Project in Boundary County, Project No. A20010; for the work of 0.25' Mill and plantmix inlay of the two northbound lanes if US-95 at MP 525.30 (total measurements -25 feet wide x 100 feet long) Sealed Proposals will be received only at the office of the IDAHO TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT, 3311 WEST STATE STREET, BOISE, IDAHO 83703, ATTN: ADVERTISEMENT & AWARD until two o'clock p.m. on May 11, 2021. For additional information contact the Contract Administrator: Name: George Shutes or Jerry Wilson Phone: (208) 661-9028 or (208) 772-1224 Email: or Digital copies of the Plans, Proposals, and Specifications must be downloaded for a fee of $15.00. Bidders must appear on the plan holders list for their proposal to be accepted by the Department. Please contact at 952-233-1632 or for assistance in downloading and working with this digital project information. General Bidding information and Specifications may be obtained from the Idaho Transportation Department website at This contract requires full compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which protects persons from being denied the benefits of or excluded from participation in programs or activities; or subjected to discrimination based on race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, Limited English Proficiency or economic status. The Bidder is encouraged to utilize the goods and services of disadvantaged firms in accomplishing the tasks or providing the services of this agreement, and to provide equal opportunity to all sub-bidders and suppliers. BFH#10613/AD#451470 APRIL 22, 29, 2021

NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF KIM PATRICK SMITH, Deceased. Case No. CV11-21-0139 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that JILL BROW has been appointed personal representative of the above named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated, and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 13th day of April, 2021. /s/ J.T. Diehl_ Attorney for Personal Representative 106 West Superior Street Sandpoint, Idaho 83864 (208)263-8529 BFH#10615/AD#451639 APRIL 22, 29, MAY 6, 2021

Superior Court of Washington County of Whitman In Re: MATTHEW RYAN WARFIELD, A Person Under the Age of 18. No. 21-5-00007-38 Summons and Notice of Petition and Hearing By Publication (NTHG) Clerk's action required: 1 To ISAAC SIVER: 1. You have been designated as the Natural Father of the above-named child, born on April 7, 2016 in Latah County, Idaho. A Petition for Termination of Parental Rights and For Step-Parent Adoption has been filed in the above-entitled court by Petitioners BILLIE JEAN PETERSON, fka TRIPLETT-OHLER and LOGAN O'NEIL PETERSON. The Petitioners are asking the Court for an order permanently terminating the parent-child relationship between you and the child named above, permanently terminating all of your rights to the child, so that the child may be adopted by Petitioner LOGAN O'NEIL PETERSON. 2. In order to defend this Petition, you must respond to the Petition by stating your defense in writing and by serving a copy upon the Petitioners at their attorney's office at the address below within thirty (30) days of service of this summons and notice or an order permanently terminating your parent-child relationship with the child by default will be entered. A default order is one where the Petitioners are entitled to what they ask for because you have not responded. If you serve a notice of appearance on the Petitioner's attorney at the address below, you are entitled to notice before a default order may be entered. 3. You are further notified that any non-consenting parent, possible, or alleged father has a right to be represented by an attorney, and an attorney will be appointed for an indigent parent who requests an attorney. You have a right to file a claim of paternity under chapter 26.26 of the Revised Code of Washington. Your failure to file a claim of Paternity under chapter 26.26 of the Revised Code of Washington or to respond to the petition for termination of parent-child relationship which has been filed herein, within thirty (30) days of receipt of this summons is grounds to terminate your parent-child relationship with respect to the child. 4. If the child is an Indian child as defined by the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978, 25 U.S.C. 1901 et seq., and if you acknowledge paternity of the child or if your paternity of the child is established prior to the termination of the parent-child relationship, your parental rights may not be terminated unless you give valid consent to termination or your parent-child relationship is terminated involuntarily pursuant to chapter 26.33 or 13.34 RCW. 5. One method of filing your response and serving a copy on the Petitioners is to send a response by certified mail, with return receipt requested to: Jennifer A. Ewers Attorney at Law 609 S. Washington, Suite 206 Moscow, Id 83843 208-882-9121 6. FILE YOUR RESPONSE AT: Whitman County Superior Court 400 N. Main St. Colfax, Washington 99111 508-397-4622 7. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A court hearing has been scheduled for: June 1, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. Whitman County Superior Court 400 N. Main St. Colfax, Washington 99111 Honorable Judge Libey presiding YOUR FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THE HEARING MAY RESULT IN A DEFAULT ORDER PERMANENTLY TERMINATING ALL OF YOUR RIGHTS TO THE ABOVE-NAMED CHILD. Dated this 14th day of April 2021 JENNIFER A. EWERS, WSBA #19887 Attorney for Petitioners 609 S. Washington, Suite 206 Moscow, Idaho 83843 (208) 882-9121 BFH#10616/AD#451990 APRIL 22, 29, MAY 6, 13, 2021

NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE (Minor) IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN RE: Chloe Opel Madrid CASE NO. CV11-21-115 A Petition to change the name of Chloe Madrid, now residing in the City of Naples, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Boundary County, Idaho. The name will change to Chloe Opel Crum. The reason for the change in name is: Chloe wants to share the same last name as her father and family. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 9:30 o'clock a.m. on May 4, 2021, at the Boundary County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: March 19, 2021 GLENDA POSTON CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By /s/ Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH#10607 AD#446835 APRIL 1, 8, 15, 22, 2021