Wednesday, March 05, 2025

From the archives - August 5, 2021

| August 5, 2021 1:00 AM

The year 2020 marked the 100th birthday of the Boundary County Fair. The first county fair, held in October 1920, was held at Maughan Park on the North Side.

By 1921, the fair association urged businessmen and the community to purchase "fair stock." With the funds from stock sales, a tract of land, west of the city limits, was purchased from S.D. Taylor (editor of the Bonners Ferry Herald). Money was also used to erect buildings, construct a race track and ball fields, and fencing to hold livestock. Work on the new exhibit hall began on Sept. 26, 1921. The hall was ready for the Second Annual Boundary County Fair which started on Oct. 6, 1921.

So, once again in 2021, we celebrate another 100th birthday. The birthday of the "site" of our Boundary County Fair. Happy 100th birthday to the fairgrounds we have all used over the past years.

This photo was taken in the 1950s. 4-H participants are showing livestock in front of a crowd standing near the livestock barns.

Next week is the Boundary County Fair. The theme is "Barn in the USA." See you at the "barns!"

Your Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main, Bonners Ferry, Idaho sponsors this column.

Visit the museum Thursday through Saturday, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Visit the website at or the museum’s Facebook page for historical photos and stories, and to see upcoming events. We can be reached at or 208-267-7720. Thank you for your continued support!