Monday, March 03, 2025

Colson sworn in for library district board

Staff Writer | December 23, 2021 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Lee Colson was sworn in as the Boundary County Library Board newest trustee.

Colson, who was sworn in at the Thursday, Dec. 16 meeting will represent Zone 5, which includes Naples and portions of Paradise Valley.

Colson was selected from three candidates who were interviewed at a special board meeting Tuesday, Dec. 7.

Colson filled the vacant seat of longtime board member Judy Mace, who died Oct. 3. Colson, a longtime Boundary County resident, has recently retired from the U.S. Forest Service. He will complete the remainder of the seat's term until May 2023. At that time, an election for Zone 5 will take place with the term running until May 2025.

Colson said he is excited to help out the Boundary County community by being on the library board.

In other business, Bob Blandford, trustee for Zone 4, was unanimously voted in as chairman of the board. Aaron Bohachek, trustee for Zone 3, was also unanimously voted in as vice chair.

Kimber Glidden has also been hired as the new director of the library district.

Board meetings are scheduled monthly on the third Thursday of each month at 10 a.m. in the downstairs multipurpose room at the Boundary County Library, 6370 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry.

The next board meeting is scheduled for Jan. 20, 2022. Agendas are posted to the library district’s website at and on the front window of the library. A copy of the agenda can be printed for patrons at the library if requested, Glidden said.

ADA access is through the emergency exit for the library downstairs multipurpose room which can be reached by going down the ramp to Veterans Park at the southwest corner of the library building. The emergency door is unlocked shortly before any public meeting or call 208-267-3750 for assistance.