Sunday, March 09, 2025

Family Forester Annual Workshop

| January 19, 2021 11:23 AM

Family-owned forests are vital to the economy and quality of life in the Inland Northwest. These lands are critical for wildlife habitat, timber supply, water quality and many other values. Unique skills are required of foresters and other natural resource professionals who help family forest owners manage their property. The Family Foresters Workshop is designed to strengthen the skills of consulting foresters, state-employed service foresters and other natural resource professionals who work with family forest owners. It serves as a forum to provide updates on emerging technology and knowledge applicable to family forestry.

This year’s program will be held online via Zoom on Friday, Jan. 22, 2021. Presentations will include:

Douglas-fir Tussock Moth: Tom Eckberg, Idaho Deptartment of Lands and Glen Kohler, WA DNR

Root Disease Issues in Ponderosa Pine: Dan Omdal, Washington Department of Natural Resources

Family Forest Owners and Fire - Sociological Issues: Mark Billings, Washington State University

Forest Habitat for Wolverines, Fishes, Lynx, and Other Meso-Carnivores: Ken Bevis, Washington Department of Natural Resources

Considerations with Camera Trapping - Reducing Theft: Damon B. Lesmeister, USFS PNW Research Station

Plotting and Communicating Individual Leave Trees with GPS Technology: Mike Borowski, USFS Tonasket RD

Drones - More than Aerial Imagery: Miles Micheletti, Washington DNR

Forest Bee Pollinators: Christine Buhl, Oregon Department of Forestry

Smoke Management on Family Forests (Panel): tome Leuschen, WDFW (ret); roger Ottmar, USFS Pacific Northwest Research Station; Carolyn Kelly, DNR

Family Forest Economics/Policy Update: Gregg Latta, University of Idaho

There is no registration fee this year, but those wishing to participate should register at by Friday, Jan. 15, 2021. For questions on the program, contact Chris Schnepf at / 208-292-2525; Sean Alexander at / 509-680-0358; or Andy Perleberg at / 509-667-6540.