Sunday, March 09, 2025

Our leaders must build a path toward healing

| January 28, 2021 1:00 AM

An ordinary citizen who believes in God, country, the Constitution, and this beloved Planet Earth, and all humanity.

Joe Biden’s inauguration was most beautiful and inspiring, just as all Americans should have revered in it. However, rhetoric is not the same as action. He was right about love. But promoting of political demonizing and revenge of a large percentage of our population into minority radical categories, domestic terrorism, and racialism will only divide the country more because it is fear mongering. These issues have been around for 150 years.

We have allowed history to fade away and not glean our lessons from it. Many generations, and especially the last three generations have been badly mislead, and as a result, we are an entire nation, needs to be “re-programmed”… that is re-educated. Censoring and condemning half the people in the “land of the free” will only result in resistance, not Biden’s dream of unity that he touted.

To began with, Donald Trump sincerely took on the job, (as God’s bulldozer), to reveal to our world the many corrupt, evil faults and injustices in government, created by the digerati (the minority that are global powers, of which some are evil money monger elites, but not all of them are evil. However, they do not have the right to play God).

When along came Donald Trump, who is quite brilliant, and did many good things for America and the world, but, alas, he was too abrasive and had trouble with his tongue. He was a threat to these global giants, because he was exposing their corruption, so they crucified him and tried to delete him.

This was wrong. It caused nothing but defensiveness, and negativity, and the “great divide.” Some people must be held accountable for the people to ever have any trust in governmental leadership.

Congressional leaders, and all leaders must open their God-given souls, hearts, and minds to show humility, repentance, and accountability to heal the “the Great Divide.”

Enough is enough. Can’t we, people of this nation, see the writing on the wall, which is being yelled all over the globe… that we can have peace, love, morals, values, along with science and technology, and possibly correct some of our damage to this lovely Earth, and humanity.

It is necessary to cleanse and move forward, our leaders must demonstrate a path to procure healing this glorious nation, and the World’s nations, through God’s grace with faith, hope, and loving kindness.


Bonners Ferry