Sunday, February 23, 2025

Ignore comments from the BCRCC, Idaho Freedom Foundation

| July 8, 2021 1:00 AM

Since the Bonner County Republican Central Committee called for Jim Woodward’s resignation, there have been numerous responses in the form of letters to the editors of several media outlets. Letters from Jim’s supporters far outnumber those from detractors.

Jim is a logical conservative Republican. He is concerned for the well-being of all the citizens of District 1. The central committee members are right wing extremists that obviously care only for themselves and those that agree with them.

I looked over the list of the committee members. Among them is the name of a legislator that is known for outrageous comments and actions. This person is a pawn for the Idaho Freedom Foundation.

IFF is a Boise-based subversive organization that intimidates legislators. The leaders assign points based upon whether or not a representative or senator votes on bills in a way that meets their approval. They manage to fool a portion of the population into believing that they are guarding their freedom. Because Jim Woodward is an independent thinker, he receives a low score from IFF.

I suggest that when voting in May you refuse to support a single member of the Bonner County Republican Central Committee that is running for office. Furthermore, do not vote for any candidate that receives a high score from IFF. By following these guidelines, the chances of making wise choices are in your favor.


Bonners Ferry