Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Legals for July, 29 2021

| July 29, 2021 12:00 AM

BOUNDARY COUNTY LIBRARY DISTRICT AUGUST, 2021 FY2021-2022 BUDGET INCOME AND EXPENDITURES-12 MONTHS October 1, 2021 to September 30, 2022 INCOME: Encumbered Balance 39,764 Boundary County Tax Levy409,079 Annual Agricultural Equipment Replacement Tax 2,662 Annual Personal Property Tax Replacement 4,977 Anticipated Sales Tax 15,000 Co-Op & Circuit Breakers 5,000 Copier/Scanner/Fax 1,000 Fines 1,000 Interest 150 Donations 0 TOTAL: 478,632 BUDGET FY2020-2021 FY2021-2022 Building 44,200 46,500 Materials 56,669 59,000 Other 22,450 63,150 Personnel 362,846 309,982 TOTAL: 486,195 478,632 (Capital Assets Replacement & Repair Fund: $42,361. This fund was established with 2 bequests of $55,000 with increases accumulated interest and budget savings for building improvements, major repairs, equipment replacements & upgrades needed over time.)PROPOSED BUDGET-Boundary County Library District as per Idaho Code 33-2725. Public Budget Hearing for the Boundary County Library District will be held at 10:30 AM, August 19, 2021, at the Boundary County Library, 6370 Kootenai St, Bonners Ferry, Idaho. BFH#10675/AD#473080 JULY 29, 2021

Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that a public hearing pursuant to Idaho Code and Boundary County code has been set for the Boundary County Board of Commissioners on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at 1:30 p.m. at the Boundary County Annex (former Armory Building) at 6566 Main St., Bonners Ferry, ID (use north double-door entrance) to consider the following: FILE 21-056, COMP PLAN MAP AND ZONING MAP AMENDMENTS, Daniel DeHart is requesting approval to amend the Boundary County comprehensive plan and zoning maps from Commercial/Light Industrial to Rural Residential to allow for future residential development of the land consistent with Rural Residential density. Rural Residential establishes a density of one dwelling unit per 5 acres; The property consists of two parcels, RP62N01E232414A and RP62N01E232413A, totaling about 10 acres, located off Sunrise Road, in Section 23, Township 62 North, Range 1 East, B.M. The Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the map amendments with conditions following the March 25, 2021, public hearing. Written comment for these files may be submitted to the Planning Office at PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 no later than 5 p.m. August 11, 2021. Anyone wishing to speak during the public portion of the hearing may do so in compliance with the public hearing procedures. The complete files are available for view on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning website at or by appointment at the Planning Office by contacting (208) 265-4629 and selecting the planning extension. Anyone requiring special accommodations due to disability should contact the Commissioners' office at least two days prior to the meeting at (208) 267-7723. BFH#10673/AD#472391 JULY 29, 2021

CITY OF BONNERS FERRY Financial Report for Publication For the Period Ended 6-30-2021 (Unaudited) (Required by Idaho Code 50-1011) Annual Percent Appropriated Funds Expenditures Appropriation Expended GENERAL FUND Salaries 873,579 Other 386,458 Capital 79,109 Total General Fund 1,339,147 2,607,530 51% ELECTRIC FUND Salaries 922,500 Other 2,602,405 Capital 70,995 Total Electric Fund 3,595,900 7,790,695 46% WATER FUND Salaries 266,914 Other 485,909 Capital 254,972 Total Water Fund 1,007,796 2,067,343 49% SEWER FUND Salaries 176,480 Other 233,871 Capital 1,528 Total Sewer Fund 411,878 1,700,177 24% GARBAGE FUND Other 92,128 Total Garbage Fund 92,128 162,362 57% GRAND TOTAL 6,446,849 14,328,107 45% Citizens are invited to inspect the detailed supporting records of the above financial statement Christine McNair, Clerk/Treasurer BFH#10674/AD#472804 JULY 29, 2021

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of : MARLENE SHIRLEY JOHNSON, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that BILLY L. TINSLEY has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or within sixty (60) days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such person, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to Thomas A. Bushnell, Attorney at Law, P.O Box 1833, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 8th day of July, 2021 /s/ THOMAS A. BUSHNELL Attorney for the Estate BFH#10672/AD#470326 JULY 22, 29, AUGUST 5, 2021