Friday, March 14, 2025

Katheryn Louise (Anderson) Dyer

| June 7, 2021 3:01 PM

Katheryn Louise (Anderson) Dyer passed away May 29, 2021, with her husband and daughter at her side.

Katheryn, born in Dawson City, Minn., has two brothers, Kenny and Gene Anderson. Her family moved to Richmond, Calif., where she went to school and met her husband, Jerry. Jerry was in the Navy and served in the Korean War. They were married on June 9, 1956, and nearly made it to their 65th anniversary. From Richmond they moved to Sacramento, Calif., where they started their family. They had a son, Lonnie Dyer, who preceded Katheryn in death; and a daughter, Linda (Dyer) Lederhos.

From Sacramento they moved to Elko, Nev., where Katheryn decided to be a stay-at-home mom. Katheryn loved to make desserts and eat them, too! Jerry was transferred to Lake Tahoe, where Katheryn decided to venture out to work and took a job at Barnie’s Club & Casino as a lead bookkeeper.

Moving again they were off to Occidental, Calif., for nine months then to Sebastopol, Calif., which she would call home for many years, where she took a job at the Bank of Sonoma County. Katheryn loved getting her hair done at the beauty shop weekly and would sleep on a satin pillow to keep it looking nice.

In 1978, the family moved to Bonners Ferry, Idaho, and bought the Northern Grocery Store, which they ran until 1998. Many people remember the store as the penny candy store. Jerry and Katheryn’s grandkids would save their money to buy candy and the two took the opportunity to teach the kids how to run the till and count money back to customers, and the kids loved it.

In Katheryn’s younger years she and Jerry started a water-skiing club. She loved bowling with her league, bird watching, cruising with her daughter and family, camping at their ranch at Meadow Creek and of course her dogs and her five grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

A private memorial will be held later in July.