Monday, March 03, 2025

From the archives - June 24, 2021

| June 24, 2021 1:00 AM

In 1912, The Peerless Bar, owned by George W. Myers, opened in a wooden building at the present site of Wilson's Law Office. Myers sold both Gilt Top Extra Pale Beer and Rainier Beer. On Christmas Eve that year, Myers gave a "free pint of wine" to all who came to call on him.

Myers used his front "show window" to occasionally display collections. In November 1912, Byron H. Walker had on display "a unique and valuable collection of firearms." This drew in a large crowd to The Peerless Bar.

Myers closed The Peerless Bar in January, 1915. The building sat empty that year, so "someone changed the sign with a single swipe to read: 'Beerless Bar.'" A few years later, Myers opened another bar at the present site of The Rusty Moose.

In 1916, Richardson & Monks grocery store purchased the wooden bar building. By cutting an archway between their building (present site of Mi Pueblo) and the bar building, they were able to expand and remodel the grocery store and add "Hardware Store" to the business name.

Now you may be wondering what this history has to do with a bright yellow T-shirt. The T-shirt was donated to Hope House in Moyie Springs. Hope House donated it to the museum last week. We got to talking about the "Peerless," and knew the museum had on display in the gambling exhibit some "fake" money from the "Peerless."

Looking closely at the "fake" money, it says "Peerless Saloon" and "Mr. C's." Howard's research shows Mr. C's opening in 1977 in the old Shamrock location (present site of Vinyl Expressions) and closing in 1987. Sometime during that 10-year period, the saloon had a "pay to play joint using fake gambling money." Did the owners of Mr. C's know the history of "The Peerless Bar" owned by Myers from 1912 to 1915; and did they play off that name to create the little "gambling joint?"

Many thanks to Hope House for the donation of the bright yellow T-shirt. It has created another mystery.

Your Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main, Bonners Ferry, Idaho sponsors this column.

Visit the museum Thursday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., visit the website at or the museum’s Facebook page for historical photos and stories, and to see upcoming events. We can be reached at or telephone 208-267-7720. Thank you for your continued support!