Monday, February 24, 2025

God designed Earth to take care CO2

| June 24, 2021 1:00 AM

God takes care of his creation in many wonderful ways. For example, he created what science calls the oxygen-carbon dioxide cycle in which humans breath in oxygen and breath out carbon dioxide, and plants take in the carbon dioxide and give off oxygen. Plants need humans and humans need plants. One supports the other.

Climate change extremists tend to imagine that our planet is a contained unit in which harmful amounts of carbon dioxide will build up and destroy life as we know it. They fear that human-caused CO2 will result in “global warming,” which will melt the polar ice caps and alter the ecosystem in a very negative way.

But if one applies common sense to the problem, it is easy to see that the warmest parts of the world, near the earth’s equator, are also where the thickest, healthiest, most vegetated parts of the world happen to be. And our atmosphere conveniently allows excessive gas pressure to escape into space, so there is no danger of CO2 or any other gas building up to dangerous levels.

All of the so-called “greenhouse gases,” which some worry about needlessly, actually serve to block the harmful rays of the sun. Perhaps the reason people and other life forms lived longer before the days of Noah’s flood is because the earth at that time was covered in clouds of gases that blocked ultra-violet solar radiation and helped prevent skin cancer and related diseases. What could be negative about that?

