Friday, February 28, 2025

Statewide mask burning organized for March 6

Staff Writer | March 4, 2021 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — In a Facebook post by Rep. Heather Scott (R-Blanchard), she is promoting a statewide face mask burning event on Saturday, March 6, occurring throughout the state in many cities.

According to their Facebook page, Mini-Cassia United We Stand is not the organizer of the event but has posted the event on Facebook, where they are hosts of the event page.

As stated in their Facebook post, “This event is put on by citizens in the area.”

The article alleges that the past year has introduced living conditions with suspended rights, alleging state and the national constitution have been violated.

“On Saturday, March 6, I invite Idahoans to take part in our version of the Boston Tea Party,” stated on the event page.

The event and information shared by Rep. Scott stated that the mask burning is a celebration of independence from “dictatorial rule” with the hope to return to self-governance.

“We the people will mark an end to anything and everything associated with 2020’s so-called pandemic. We’ve had enough. Liberation is at hand.”

According to the article, The reasoning behind the mask burning alleges pandemic planners promoted fear-mongering as a constant reminder to fear everyone.

“The mask became a weapon to identify those who worship at the altar of government and those who do not, and the mask is now the most iconic symbol of how government uses fear to take away our God-given rights and pit neighbor against neighbor.”

The event states the burning will serve as a symbolic restoration of Liberty, a reminder to those who hold power that we will no longer and never again be subjected to unlawful, unconstitutional edicts.

“As barrels of masks are lit ablaze, Idahoans will bask in the glow of Liberty and celebrate all that it means to be free men and women.”

The information from the event page alleges it’s grassroots-driven and welcomes people from all walks of life who dislike how other states govern.

“There are many newcomers, people who fled tyrannical states like California and Oregon, hoping that Idaho offers something better. I’m sorry that Idaho has not exactly been the haven for Freedom it is advertised to be. When we gather at locations throughout Idaho, we will show that we’re more than a collection of people living in fear and following oppressive orders.”

Bonners Ferry is one location among many being organized by residents for this statewide mask burning. Confirmed locations include Ashton, Boise, Boise County, Bonners Ferry, Burley, Challis, Elk Bend, Gooding, Homedale, Horseshoe Bend, Idaho City, Mud Lake, Pocatello, Rexburg, Sagle, Salmon, Sugar City, Tensed and Twin Falls.

The Bonners Ferry Location is located at 6606 Main St. The business corner, where Bottom Dollar and the military surplus store are located. Mask burning event information can be found at

Correction: The city government of Bonners Ferry is not involved in organizing the event, but residents of the county and city are.