Thursday, March 06, 2025

Cavender, Hale recognized for work at Naples Elementary

Staff Writer | March 8, 2021 2:55 PM

NAPLES — Naples Elementary has awarded Wayne Cavender and Roy Hale the honor of employee of the month for helping to keep the school open during a tumultuous year.

Unable to choose between two highly deserving employees, Naples Elementary decided it was impossible to honor just one employee when both have demonstrated a great work ethic, impressive communication skills and cooperation.

According to Naples Elementary principal Robin Merrifield, “We don’t feel our school could have stayed open in the green category all year without the efforts of these fine gentlemen.”

Merrifield stated that Roy Hale is a maintenance Hulk, and in his Halloween costume, he is Hulk’s twin.

“He [Hale] has kept Naples Elementary spick-and-span for over six years. Whenever there is a spill, a clog, an icy walkway, or something heavy that needs to be moved, he is there to take care of it!” Merrifield said, “In addition to being a master of maintenance and cleanliness, Mr.

Roy loves our students; he is always looking for ways to support our students in the lunchroom, on the playground, and in the halls.”

According to Merrifield, Hale has a wonderful wife, four children, ten grandchildren, and four great-grandchildren.

Hales’s wife Marianne says Merrifield loves to shine cars and play electric guitar in his spare time. If Hale is not busy with all that, he’s probably on a sunny, outdoor adventure with Marianne at his side.

“The students and staff of Naples are grateful he chose to spend his days taking care of our school! Thank you, Mr. Roy!” Merrifield stated.

According to Merrifield, After COVID-19 created disruptions in the school that required new cleaning protocols, Wayne Cavender answered the call.

Wayne Cavendar was a frequent volunteer before joining the Naples staff; his wife Bethany Cavendar, 5th-grade teacher, has kept him busy building shelves, painting desks, and monitoring the turtle tank over the years. The Cavenders have three adult children that were once students at Naples Elementary.

Mr. Cavender serves as a volunteer firefighter for the South Boundary Fire Department, has always been a welcome fixture to the early recess duty when he would bring Mrs. Cavender her morning coffee.

Wayne Cavender can be found wiping down door handles, sanitizing tables — after breakfast and lunch — mopping up spills and taking the extra steps necessary to keep Naples Covid free.

“Like Mr. Roy, he [Wayne] is always taking extra time to help a student in need. On Wednesdays, Wayne is guaranteed to be sporting a cheerful Hawaiian shirt and his can-do attitude!

According to Merrifield, These two men have been the key to Naples Elementary staying healthy and open during a challenging school year.

“We appreciate their willingness to do whatever it takes, whenever it is needed! Way to go, Roy and Wayne!”

Wayne Cavender and Hale work harmoniously together, and their work has contributed to the school never having a breakout of COVID-19.

“I'd have to say the most seemingly impossible task has been preventing Covid from taking over Naples staff and students,” Merrifield said, “They have absolutely accomplished that by keeping the building frequently and thoroughly sanitized.