Thursday, March 06, 2025

Enrolled Vaccine Providers Encourage 65 and Older to Schedule Appointment

| March 8, 2021 9:55 AM

NORTH IDAHO — Enrolled COVID-19 vaccine providers are encouraging those 65 and older to schedule their vaccine appointment. According to the Idaho Department of Health & Welfare (IDHW) there are approximately 51,000 individuals in the Panhandle Health District (PHD) who are age 65 and over and 47% have received their first dose of COVID-19 vaccine.

“We and other enrolled providers have seen a considerable slowdown of appointments being scheduled by the currently eligible groups,” said Don Duffy, PHD clinical services administrator. “This indicates to us that we need to move forward to the next phase of eligible groups. We want to ensure to the best of our abilities we have offered the vaccine to as many eligible individuals as possible, so we are encouraging those 65 and older to schedule their vaccine with an enrolled provider.”

Effective immediately, appointments available for scheduling at PHD vaccine clinics will be available to all of phase 1 and 2 groups.

If you would like to schedule a vaccination appointment at one of PHD’s vaccine clinics, visit and click the link to schedule an appointment at the clinic nearest you. For those without internet access or anyone having trouble navigating the online scheduling, please call PHD’s COVID-19 hotline for assistance, 877-415-5225. PHD has vaccine clinics in Kootenai, Benewah, Boundary, and Shoshone counties. A Bonner vaccine clinic will be added later this month.

Appointments for PHD clinics will be released every Wednesday at 9 a.m. If you register for a vaccine appointment:

Be sure to confirm that you are eligible to receive the vaccine per Idaho’s Vaccine Phases

When you arrive for your vaccination appointment, bring your driver’s license and/or proof of employment if applicable, so PHD can verify your eligibility.

These vaccination clinics are in addition to multiple enrolled vaccine provider clinics happening in the District.

These are not walk-in clinics, all vaccines are given by appointment only. Only register an individual at one vaccine clinic. Registrations at multiple sites or on multiple days may be cancelled.

PHD vaccine clinics are available to those who are in the Phase 1 & 2 categories of the vaccine distribution plan.

Phase 1 includes:

Hospital staff essential for care of COVID-19 patients

Long-term care facility residents and staff (vaccine administration provided through the Pharmacy Partnership Program)

Outpatient & Inpatient clinic/medical staff who are unable to telework

Home healthcare providers

Emergency Medical Services

Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistants

Pharmacists, pharmacy techs, and pharmacy aides

Emergency management response workers


First Responders

School Nurses

Those eligible to receive the vaccine in Phase 2 include:

Pre-K-12 School Employees

Childcare Workers

Correctional & Detention Facility Staff

Adults age 65 and older

Food and agriculture workers: including food processing workers, USDA processing plant inspectors, Grocery, convenience store, and food pantry workers

Idaho National Guard if not included earlier

Manufacturing, public transit, and U.S. Postal Service workers

Flight crews

Subset of essential gas, electric, water, and telecommunications utility workers, who work indoors

Homeless shelter residents

If you have questions about COVID-19 in our area, call PHD’s COVID-19 hotline Monday – Friday, 8am-5pm, 877-415-5225.