Wednesday, March 05, 2025

This Week in History - March 18, 2021

| March 16, 2021 4:22 PM

100 Years Ago

The Spokane International Railroad cannot respect the wishes of every sheriff and constable along the line from Spokane to the Canadian border in the matter of having the train searched for liquor, according to statements made by E.S. McPherson, vice president of the railroad.

H.S. Swenson and Marco Hubble have formed a partnership for the purposes of conducting a second hand furniture business and have leased of W.L. Kinnear the building south of the telephone office, formerly occupied by the Kootenai Valley Times.

Changes in Idaho Game Laws: “Women must take out licenses to hunt and fish in Idaho hereafter.”

50 Years Ago

“It’s a first for the region, and a first for the school,” declared Don Behm, manager for next Saturday’s Junior High Music Festival for band and chorus. “We’ve planned for 554 junior high students to attend the all day festival.”

The Bonners Ferry Art Club’s panel of judges has selected this week’s winner in the Easter Coloring Contest sponsored by Corner Drug. For winning the contest, Mary Scroggie, 10 and Jackie Kelson, 6, will both receive $1.00.

On Sunday, the ladies of the Busy Bee sponsored a potluck dinner at the hall.

15 Years Ago

Boundary County School District’s alternative school, Riverside, is on terra firma now that the School Board voted to move school operations to a new and permanent location instead of just renting space. Chantalle Coon, a second grader at Valley View, organized a blanket drive for babies in need of blankets. In addition to 214 blankets, community members donated 15 to 20 hand-knit baby hats, at least two comforters and many knit throws.

Foundation Northwest is pleased to announce that a new endowed Bonner and Boundary Counties fund with an initial donation of $345,000 has been established by an anonymous donor from Bonner County, Idaho.

Submitted by the Boundary County Museum