Monday, March 10, 2025

Annual Easter egg hunt back at rotary park

Staff Writer | March 25, 2021 1:00 AM

The pandemic may have put a damper on things last year, but not so in 2021. The Bonners Ferry Rotary Club is hosting the annual Easter egg hunt again, Saturday, April 3, at 11 a.m. at the parks and rec field of the Boundary County Fairgrounds.

It’s recommended that you show up early, as the hunt will start promptly at 11 a.m. and it’s a quick turnaround; it’s usually over in about 15 minutes.

This year's chairman, Glenda Poston, said it’s a wonderful tradition she is happy to help carry on. Although it’s hosted by the Rotary, Poston said they appreciate community support, which can be shown by showing up for the event. They are eager to see all the children in the community come out for the hunt.

This year, they have more than 150 dozen eggs plus a number of plastic eggs with prizes inside, although Poston wouldn’t reveal what they were. She also said that she was contacted by Monique Russell of the Kooteneers 4-H Club, who had canceled their own hunt and wanted to add their resources to the Rotary hunt.

The eggs will be decorated by residents of the Restorium. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, they initially were going to take care of the task themselves, but when people at the Restorium found out they called the Rotary and asked to do it again because they enjoyed it so much in the past.

Poston also hinted there are rumors that the Easter Bunny would be there, “although he may have had a haircut,” compared to recent years.

The hunt is staggered in five different areas by age group: birth to two, three to four, five to six, seven to eight and nine to 10. Parents are encouraged to help their younger children but ages 5 and older can hunt on their own. Poston guesses they’ve had around 200 kids show up in the past, but can’t be certain of those numbers and has no idea what to expect this year.

The Rotary Club could use some help hiding the eggs. They will begin on Saturday at 8:30 a.m. If you would like to help, all you need to do is show up.

Poston added one last reminder that no matter what, weather or any other circumstances, the hunt won’t be canceled for any reason. So make sure your kiddo has a basket or bag and bring them early on Saturday. It’s sure to be a hopping good time!

For questions, call Glenda Poston at 208-267-7243.