Monday, March 10, 2025

Valley View Elementary, Mountain West Bank purchase book vending machine

Staff Writer | May 17, 2021 8:41 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Valley View elementary will now be the home of a book vending machine, dispensing books and not snacks for students.

The idea started when Principal Harmon Newhouse said he would love to have one on campus; Julie Colson, the school librarian, also had always wanted a book vending machine and made plans to make it happen.

Valley View was able to find a partner that could help make this effort a reality - Mountain West Bank - and together they order the vending machine.

This vending machine will hold up to 200 books and will be available for all students to use. The most significant benefit for students is no money is required to use the machine — but it accepts a gold token.

Students will have opportunities to earn the gold tokens and to choose the book they want. The tokens may be earned with positive behaviors such as kindness, respect and being helpful.

The book vending machine is expected to arrive in the next few weeks, and there will be a ribbon-cutting ceremony to commemorate the event.

A lucky student will have the opportunity to be the first to use the book vending machine and claim the first book. In addition, the ceremony will be livestreamed into all the classrooms, giving all students a chance to be a part of the event.

Valley View Elementary thanks Mountain West Bank’s branch manager Patti Solt and the community reinvestment team for making this dream come true.

“Giving children the chance to choose their very own ‘forever’ book, and earn that book through positive behavior, helps us build excitement for reading! When children are excited about books, only good things can happen!” Newhouse said.