Monday, February 24, 2025

This Week in History - Nov. 11, 2021

| November 11, 2021 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Armed with a search warrant issued by County Attorney O.C. Wilson, Jack Foster , of the state constabulary, and J.A. Worley, City Marshall, raided the Pastime Cigar Store, finding two quart bottles of peach brandy in the basement and a quart bottle about three-quarters full of brandy.

Charles O’Callaghan and his daughter, Miss Vina, met with an auto accident. Mr. O’Callaghan escaped with a scratch and Miss Vina suffering only a sprained ankle. The glare from an engine headlight blinded Mr. O’Callaghan’s vision so that in making a turn from the railroad track up the hill, he steered too close the edge of the bank and the auto turned onto the railway track. The top and windshield of the car were broken.

50 Years Ago

Power failure in the Bonneville Power Administration grid attributed to line breakage at Clark Fork and Cabinet Gorge Dam, last evening, sent homes here and throughout this region into total darkness at 5:24 pm - until flashlights, candles, and gas lights could be found and taken from storage. By 10:45 pm power had been restored to Boundary County, but some reported insufficient power was available to run local mill operations.

Last Friday, Idaho State Highway Department crews installed a height measuring device for commercial trucks on the North Hill in a roadside turnout across from Scotty's Drive-In. There has been a problem with over-height trucks, particularly logging trucks, striking the Bonners Ferry Bridge.

A nine-inch Sony portable television set valued at $309 was stolen from a display window of Winey’s TV and Appliance Store on Main Street in Bonners Ferry about 8:00 pm Sunday.

15 Years Ago

The card read: Dear Wolf Harris, Thank you for your contribution to this country. Sincerely, Bonners Ferry High School. It was one of 254 letters sent out by Jan Bayer’s leadership class at BFHS to thank the veterans for their service.

Special Olympics athletes attended the Area 1 and Area 2 Fall Games in Clarkston, Washington on Saturday. Team members took home several top finishes. Dennise Tucker, Julie Weible, Charlie Meeker, and Michael Bjoraker all won first place. Luke Mead was second, and Dana Klein was third.

The seventh grade volleyball team rounded out their season on Oct. 21 with the B team winning the district championship.