Sunday, March 09, 2025

Lavala, Fioravanti best candidates for respective seats

| October 14, 2021 1:00 AM

I love Bonners Ferry. I’d love to use my vote to help the city thrive. The thing is I happily live in Moyie Springs. So it a bit frustrating that I can’t vote for a gentleman running for city council that I am proud to know: Robert Lavala. Robert is a strong, no nonsense, liberty-minded, godly man who wants to support the people and businesses of Bonners Ferry. He’ll bring a common sense approach to decision making and will truly listen to the citizens and represent them. And I think that’s about the best thing you can ask of an elected council member.  It’s easy to vote for the person with the most signs around town. But it’s better to know who you’re voting for. I hope all of you who live in the “Friendliest City” take the time to vote. And give strong consideration to casting a vote for Robert Lavala.

Thankfully I do have the pleasure of knowing someone I can vote for. Mary Fioravanti is running for the school board in Zone 2. Mary is the type of young woman who gives us older folks hope for the future. I listened to her recently discuss her vision for education and it’s importance in giving students the tools to think critically rather than emotionally. By the time she was done I suffered a bit of neck pain from nodding my approval. Voting is a right. I also consider it a privilege. One I’m again excited to exercise.

There is a “Meet the Candidates” event at BFHS on Oct. 26 at 7 p.m. Come meet Robert and Mary. You’ll be impressed.


Moyie Spring