Tuesday, March 04, 2025

David Wilson

| October 28, 2021 1:00 AM

Office sought: Boundary County School District, Zone 5

Education: bachelor's degree environmental studies, minors in recreation resource management, anthropology

Occupation: Therapeutic Industry

Family: Married 27 years to Mary-Esther, 5 kids ages 3-24

  1. What inspired you to run for elected office?

There are many changes happening within our country that are not in line with the Constitution and public decency. I need to stand up for my freedom, beliefs and rights, and I am willing to take that fight to public institutions. Now more than ever, we must work towards a more resilient community.

  1. Besides political experience, what unique qualifications would you bring to office?

Home school has opened my eyes to unique and diverse resources needed for developing young minds. As a University graduate, I use the Scientific Method, research, and continue pushing my understanding of life. Living off grid, I have been forced to learn new skills, think through designs, plan for unforeseen events, and work within a budget. All this, plus being a dad has given me the experience to encourage others to accomplish their aspirations.

  1. What are the three most important issues/problems facing the city?

-We need more people active in all aspects of our county. More diversity in committee, political, and leadership positions would allow a more fluid process of decision making that is a better representation of our values as a whole.

-Poverty and low income.

-In a time where space and housing is limited, its about time we reclaim our public lands.

  1. What are your solutions?

-Encouraging friends and neighbors to become more involved. Make “open to the public' meetings actually open to public participation. Supporting others when they are wanting to be involved.

-I would like to see a business incubator established for assisting people in becoming entrepreneurs.

-Petitioning our legislators and political leadership.

  1. What is the first thing you would do if you are elected (or reelected)?

I would visit each of the schools and talk with teachers and students. Since my older children graduated from high school two years ago, I have not spent time on school campuses. Because I haven't been a part of the current school environment, I am unaware of the issues that I may be able to help solve. I'd also play on the playground, cause its fun.

  1. What issue is not being given enough exposure in your race? What is it and why is it important? (Please be specific.)

New and fresh ideas!

As a Home School parent, I had to improvise and research new and evolving learning technologies to allow my children access to the future. There are thousands of apps, games, and resources that are free or very low cost which are extremely effective at reaching a wide spectrum of learning styles and topics. Thinking outside the box would be a positive approach to any issues the district is facing.

  1. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be? (Please be specific.)

I would like to see our public school a top tier educational facility. I have ideas about creating several new self-sufficient programs. These would be designed with hands on experience for the students to earn credits and pay. I would like to see a path for our students to get a job after they graduate, yet more specifically I want to know they can start and operate their own businesses successfully!

  1. Do you think the existing government is going in the right direction? Why or why not? (Please be specific.)

No. Our government is becoming a tyrannical technocracy. I have watched cities burn, people killed, businesses destroyed, a massive loss of jobs, the destruction of our economy, waves of immigrants rushing our boarders, reckless spending on trivial programs, funding the research and development of viruses, aiding and abetting our enemies, censorship, and a deliberate attempt at interrupting the supply chain.

  1. What question should every candidate be asked? What is your answer?

If a law is passed that forces the public or children to wear a mask, get an experimental drug injected into them, CRT ideology, or to allow a man to use the women's bathroom or locker room... would you allow it within our school district?

Absolutely not. NO! I would strongly vote against it.

  1. What would you do to help employers attract and keep workers when the cost of living here is so high?

The cost of living is low compared to many cities. There are few high paying jobs which is the ultimate hurdle. Young men and women graduating from high school or college are not going to relocate with aspirations of almost minimum wage. Ways to draw people here are to provide housing, focus on the beauty and outdoor activities, and the fact that we are a strong freedom loving community.

  1. What would you do to address the lack of workforce housing in the area?

Housing is the main issue in finding qualified teachers from outside the area. Single wide units could be put on campuses as a benefit. A school in North Dakota did this during a housing shortage of the 2012 boom.

  • Land owners could construct subdivisions of tiny homes. We have a businesses locally that builds these units. They would be great for people who are looking for a job and place to sleep.
    1. What will you do to involve residents in the decision making process?
  • I learned our School Board meetings are open to the public, yet there are no open comments allowed. A petition to speak needs to be filled by the Wednesday before. That does not benefit anyone attending that may have questions or comments about the discussion that night. I would recommend we set aside an “open comment” period at the end of the meeting, so people would feel inclined to be a part of the process.