Friday, March 14, 2025

Robert Lavala

| October 28, 2021 1:00 AM

Robert Lavala

Office sought: City Council in Bonners Ferry

Education: Associate’s Degree

Occupation: Security Services/ Home Inspector

Family: Wife, Sheila & one son, Isaac

  1. What inspired you to run for elected office?

I felt that as a public servant I would do a good job in this office. I believe that I have common sense and that seems to be lacking, as a whole, throughout our nation at the moment. Too many times folks sit back and say, “Let someone else do it.” I felt it was time to step up.

  1. Besides political experience, what unique qualifications would you bring to office?

I have zero political experience. One thing that I’m sure of is that career politicians are responsible for most of the problems found within both local, state and the federal government. Fresh perspective with a commonsense approach is what I believe is needed in political offices. I have been a senior leader within the church community since 1993 and thereby have experience with both people and problems.

  1. What are the three most important issues/problems facing the city?




  1. What are your solutions?

There are no “solutions” to growth. Growth is inevitable, especially with the state of our country right now. What I mean by that is this. Despots and power-mad governors in states that do not abide by the Constitution of the United States, nor their own constitution for that matter, are driving good people from their areas.

Infrastructure has its own set of unique problems and the current council has been addressing these issues, such as the repair of the Moyie Dam, as they arise.

Growth and traffic are all part of the same issue. With one comes the other. As the needs continue to tax our current roadways, we are going to need to find a solution for increased flow and ease of turning left in a reasonable amount of time.

  1. What is the first thing you would do if you are elected (or reelected)?

I am not coming into this position with any agenda. I will learn the position and as issues arise and are in obvious need of attention, I will give my full attention to those issues. With the help of other council members, our discussions will yield a positive solution to any problem or issue before us.

  1. What issue is not being given enough exposure in your race? What is it and why is it important? (Please be specific.)

I am unaware of any issue that is not being given exposure. There have been no debates, no candidate forums and no invitations for promoting ideas other than social media and other media sites.

  1. If you could only get one thing across to voters during your campaign, what would it be? (Please be specific.)

I am a public servant and will do what I’m elected to do: Represent the constituents of Bonners Ferry in the most down-to-earth manner possible. I would seek to use commonsense solutions and not be afraid to reach out to those smarter than I for help.

  1. Do you think the existing government is going in the right direction? Why or why not? (Please be specific.)

If we are talking about our local, Bonners Ferry, government… I don’t see where we are off the mark so badly. If we are talking about our state and our nation, that is another story altogether and not at issue concerning the BF City Council. When this would become an issue is when our state officials mandate unconstitutional edicts which I would resist.

  1. What question should every candidate be asked? What is your answer?

What do you hope to accomplish while sitting on the Council?

I hope that I will fulfill, to the best of my ability, the mandate to represent the residents of Bonners Ferry and the surrounding area. I desire to make informed decisions about the issues brought before council and then reach a proper and equitable conclusion.

  1. What would you do to help employers attract and keep workers when the cost of living here is so high?

I do not believe that the cost of living is that high here compared with other places around the state and nation. It is not up to the City Council to help employers “attract” and or “keep” workers. The business owners are autonomous and are in business because they desire to be so. To attract and keep workers is up to them, not the city of BF.

  1. What would you do to address the lack of workforce housing in the area?

Within the purview of the City Council, any planning and zoning issues that require funding or zone changes would need to be evaluated and then examined carefully. Introducing additional housing to the BF area is the responsibility of investors and property owners. Once P&Z is involved, the Council would need to have input.

  1. What will you do to involve residents in the decision making process?

Listen. Then I would encourage my fellow council members to have discussion about what is said… not just make a predetermined decision.