Tuesday, February 25, 2025

From the Archives - April 7, 2022

| April 7, 2022 1:00 AM

"Operations on the Buckhorn, located on the Moyie, a few miles northwest of Bonners Ferry, began to assume a business aspect this week. Mr. J.P. Irwin, the gentleman who has an option on the claim, has appointed a gentleman by the name of Mr. Stewart superintendent of the mine, and the superintendent has started a force of men at work on the trail. Work on the mine proper will commence in a few days, and in the course of a week a large force of men will be employed in and about the mine." — The Kootenai Herald, May 29, 1897

Samples from the Buckhorn Mine were sent to the assay office in 1896. It was said to be the highest grade gold mine in the Moyie-Yahk mining district.

The Boundary County Historical Society and Museum, 7229 Main, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, sponsors this column.

Visit the museum Thursday-Saturday 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., or go online to the museum’s website at www.boundarycountymuseum.org or the museum’s Facebook page for historical photos and stories, and to see upcoming events. The museum can be reached at doyouremember@meadowcrk.com or telephone at 208-267-7720. Thank you for your continued support.