Friday, March 14, 2025

Ammon Bundy is a true patriot?

| April 21, 2022 1:00 AM

A letter published recently in the Herald makes a claim that Ammon Bundy is a patriot, and I would like to add some information to that letter.

Ammon Bundy, like his father, is part of an anti-government clan operating in Idaho, Nevada and Oregon. This did not prevent him from receiving a SBA loan from the feds for $530,000, however. Funny how he can disavow the legitimacy of the government then apply for a loan from same.

In 2015, he led an armed occupation of the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon, for which he was arrested in January 2016, after causing more than $1 million in damage.

He was arrested twice in August 2020; again on March 15, 2021; and arrested twice in one day on April 8.

Bundy produced a YouTube video titled “Feds burning cattle alive, torching homes, imprisoning ranchers;" in which Bundy states that the Bureau of Land Management stated that they intended to “burn down the village of French Glenn (Oregon).” This was in the midst of Oregon’s largest wildfire in a century, the Miller Homestead Fire, which burned 160,000 acres. He claims that this fire was set by the BLM intentionally, and that “two guys with shovels could have put it out.”

He claims the BLM was burning cattle alive, and that the BLM was burning ranchers’ homes.

One hundred percent of these claims are blatant lies. But that doesn’t seem to matter to those who want to support this criminal for governor of Idaho. The saddest part is that this is what it takes in Idaho to be a “patriot.”


Bonners Ferry