Monday, February 24, 2025

This Week in History - Aug. 4, 2022

| August 4, 2022 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

The D.C. Farnsworth Hardware Store has been purchased by C.W. Gunther and Emil Frank.

One of the most serious forest fires of the season is burning now in the Myrtle Creek District close to the Harrington ranch.

Eight Campfire girls with their guardian, Miss Loretta Lynch, left Sunday for the Inland Empire Girls Camp at Coeur d’Alene for a week's outing. H.W. Bliss and George Cash donated the use of their cars to take the girls over.

50 Years Ago

Fred Meddock, absolutely insisted that he caught a sturgeon the other day without ever hooking it. Seems the fish, while wallowing with the bait, wrapped its tail in a half-hitch in the line and was landed without the knot slipping.

Athletic Director Dick Hollenbeck is in the process of arranging a trip for all persons from seventh grade age through adults to attend the Wednesday, August 16, sessions of the National Junior Olympics in Spokane.

Jeffrey M. Arlen, M.D., a native of New York, has recently moved to Bonners Ferry and will open his office next week for private practice at general medicine in the building formerly occupied by Dr. Robert Rust.

15 Years Ago

At last Friday and Saturday’s Kootenai River Rodeo, cowboys pitted themselves against C&C rodeo stock, which are some of the best stock in the rodeo business.

Some teachers are accused of being spacey, but seven teachers from Boundary County will actually be in space this summer, well their pictures will anyway. Barbara Morgan, a former Idaho teacher and current educator mission specialist for the Space Shuttle Endeavor, will carry into space a CD with pictures that include Francine Santoro, Kim Dinsmore, Debbie Flory, John Beck, Dan Butler, Tama Bergstrand and Jan Studer.

Kenny Swift and Jared Stone were selected as members of Team Idaho to participate in the Third Annual Idaho All-State Game played on July 7, 2007, at Eagle High School.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum