Monday, March 03, 2025

Library board supposed to support majority

| August 11, 2022 1:00 AM

This letter is written as a rebuttal in response to a letter by the Boundary County Human Rights Task Force (Bonners Ferry Herald, Aug. 4, 2022). As citizens of this community, we don't know who actually wrote this letter as the author is hiding behind the banner of an organization whose number is unknown. Whereas, they don’t identify who they are, I will stand alone. I spent over 30 years of my life serving the community as a police officer in both Southern California and for a short time as chief of police in Bonners Ferry. I am now a Christian pastor of the Mt. Hall Community Church in Boundary County which teaches the Bible and believes that it is not a suggestion, or a fable, or wisdom but the simple inspired Word of God.

Those of us in this community who are in support of the recall of the library board do this, not with hate in our heart but love for the children of this community. We want them to be protected and not conditioned or groomed by sexual predators. Our neighbors who currently serve on the library board were not duly elected, which is required by law, but hand-picked and appointed. The library director as well as the BCHRTF allege threats were made against the board. Did anyone file a police report? Where is the evidence of threatening behavior that is alleged so that the library board (which is a government sponsored and funded organization) can change their meetings to a Zoom conference call which is secret and out of the public view? Government meetings are required by law to be public and transparent.

The author paints members of the recall effort to be far right radicals associated with the Redoubt movement. I had to Google it to learn what it is. If you mean people who are fleeing the decay of America’s cities for a more traditional America and a better way of life, I will accept that tag.

The author also calls supporters of the recall as “religious extremists.” If you mean do I believe the Bible is true and I follow the precepts of God’s Word, I am guilty as charged.

People supporting the library board recall are concerned for the well-being of our children and grandchildren and want to protect them from literature which is packaged like a comic book but demonstrates how to perform oral sex on one another and encourage them into transgenderism. No one wants to ban books. I don’t see the wisdom of using taxpayer funding to purchase books which, if were shown by an adult to a child with the intent to illicit a sexual response, which is by definition criminal enticing of a child. The library gets a waiver from what would be a crime for an individual to give the material to a child. However, if duly elected and not appointed members of a board choose to purchase this material, put it up where children can’t get it. That way everyone’s rights are respected, even the minority. That’s the American way. That’s what a constitutional republic does.

The people of the community are upset because the library board is supposed to represent the people of this community, and not the American Library Association, which is led by a woman who is a self-proclaimed Marxist and a lesbian with a built-in motivation to draw others into her lifestyle and advance her left-wing agenda. The library board has not even listened to the community and has sought to silence the overwhelming majority viewpoint of this community. Even sinking so low as to try to “cancel” the voices and opinions of those who disagree with their woke cause. We don’t want Boundary County to become woke Seattle or Portland or Los Angeles. Let the voters decide!


Bonners Ferry


Bonners Ferry