Thursday, January 30, 2025

Voting Locations for Aug. 30 Bond Election

| August 18, 2022 1:00 PM

Voting Precincts for Aug. 30 2022 BCSD Bond Election

Here is the website to the map to determine your voting location;

The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Contact the County clerk office at 208-267-2242 with any questions.

Boundary County polling sites:

Bonners Ferry/Kootenai: Valley Event Center* at Fairgrounds: 6571 Recreation Park Rd, Bonners Ferry

North Bonners Ferry: Valley Event Center* at Fairgrounds, 6571 Recreation Park Rd., Bonners Ferry

Valley View: Valley Event Center* at Fairgrounds, 6571 Recreation Park Rd., Bonners Ferry

*Due to scheduled maintenance on the goat barn and the wildlife building at the fairgrounds, voters who normally vote at the Exhibit Hall will be voting at the Valley Event Center (the same building the fair office is located).

Copeland: Mount Hall School: 1275 Hwy 1, Bonners Ferry

Moyie Springs: Moyie City Hall, 3331 Roosevelt Rd, Moyie Springs

Naples: South Boundary Fire St. #1, 20 Stagecoach Rd., Naples

How to register to vote?

If you are 18 years or older, lived in Boundary County for a minimum of 30 days and are a U.S. citizen you will need to be a registered voter before you can vote in the Aug. 30 election. For more information on registering, call or visit the clerk at 208-267-2242 or the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St., Suite 22.

How do I vote absentee?

Pick up an absentee ballot at the clerk’s office or you can request an absent elector’s ballot at, scroll to the bottom for the link.

Where do I vote?

You can find the zone you live in online at the website above. After you identify your zone, there is a precinct map that indicates the location of where you vote. If polling sites change it will be printed in the Bonners Ferry Herald and online at

What will I need to vote?

You will need a valid identification, such as an Idaho driver's license or identification card or sign an affidavit.

For further information, see the “Voter Education Video Gallery” at for education videos including absentee ballots, voter registration, ballot tabulation, election certification and much more.