Friday, February 28, 2025

Restorium's staff, residents are wonderful, special people

| December 1, 2022 1:00 AM

I would like to take a moment to express the deep and sincere gratitude and appreciation my wife and I share for the nurses, staff, administrators and the residents of the Boundary County Restorium.

My dad had only been a resident there since April of this year but the care and caring of everyone there made a wonderful difference in his life. He passed recently on Thanksgiving Day at the age of 96. 

Every time we’d visit him over these months, we’ve been impressed by how well everyone was aware of dad and his needs. There was almost never a time when one of the residents didn’t tells us how much they loved my dad. I know his communication skills had degraded a lot well before he lived there. But the social interactions definitely improved his overall mental health. One of the residents told me that while he may not always answer her, he always smiled. 

It takes a special type of person to provide quality care for the elderly. The staff here are that special type. They not only provided that quality care but truly cared for my dad as they do all the other residents. And they do it on a tight budget. 

If you feel so moved, donations can be made via Friends of the Restorium at P.O. Box 1362, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805.   

With deep gratitude,


Moyie Springs