Thursday, March 06, 2025

Legals for December, 15 2022

| December 15, 2022 12:00 AM

NOTICE TO CREDITORS Probate Case No. CV11-21-0403 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MICHAEL J. LUCAS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CYNTHIA E. GUTHRIE-LUCAS has been appointed Administrator of the above-named estate. All persons having claims against the said deceased are required to present their claims within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must either be presented to FLAMMIA & SOLOMON, P.C., attorney for CYNTHIA E. GUTHRIE LUCAS, P. 0.  Box 111 7, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho 83816-1117, or filed with the Court, with a copy to Flammia and Solomon P.C. at the address listed above, in compliance with I.C. section 15-3-804. DATED this 22nd day of November, 2022. FLAMMIA &  SOLOMON, P.C. Attorneys for Administrator By/s/Anne Solomon Legal#10978 AD#3115 December 1, 8, 15, 2022

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE On Friday, the 14th day of April, 2023, at the hour of 10 o’clock A.M., of said day at the office Alliance Title & Escrow, LLC at 6977 Main St., #8553, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805, Toby McLaughlin, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash (the Trustee is authorized to make a credit bid for the Beneficiary) in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of the sale, the following described real property, situated in Boundary County, State of Idaho, to-wit: For the purposes of compliance with Idaho Code § 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of 38 Nickle Ln., Moyie Spring, ID 83845 may sometimes be associated with said real property.  Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the deed of Trust executed by Amber Leigh Pote, a married woman as her sole and separate property, as Grantor, to Boundary Abstract Co., LTD of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, an Idaho corporation, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of Legacy Investments of Idaho, L.L.C., an Idaho limited liability company as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust having been recorded on June 5, 2014, as Instrument No. 260906, records of Boundary County, Idaho. The Grantor’s obligations under said Deed of Trust have been assumed by Duran Pote, a single man (“Assumer”). Toby McLaughlin of Sandpoint Law, P.C. has been appointed as Successor Trustee, per the Appointment of Successor Trustee recorded in the records of Boundary County on November 30, 2022, under instrument number 293168. The above Grantor is named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a). No representation is made that they are or are not presently responsible for this obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is failure of the Grantors to pay when due, monthly, interest only installment payments, as set forth on the Note, secured by said Deed of Trust in the amount of $400.00 per month in interest only payments, with said payments being unpaid since December 5, 2019 (half payment made), and every month thereafter with no payment being made, due by the 5th of each month. Due to the default by the Grantor/Assumer the Beneficiary has called all amounts owing thereunder due in full immediately. All amounts, including interest, are now due and payable along with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. The principal balance owing is $40,000.00, plus accrued interest of $13,795.80 as of October 5, 2022, on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust, for a total of $53,795.80 as of October 5, 2022 (with interest accruing every day thereafter at $34.49 per day), plus unpaid taxes, fees and costs. Dated this 7th day of December, 2022. Signed:/s/Toby McLaughlin, Sandpoint Law, P.C.  Successor Trustee NOTICE REQUIRED BY IDAHO LAW Mortgage foreclosure is a legal proceeding where a lender terminates a borrower’s interest in property to satisfy unpaid debt secured by the property. This can mean that when a homeowner gets behind on his or her mortgage payments, the lender forces a sale of the home on which the mortgage loan is based. Some individuals or businesses may say they can “save” your home from foreclosure. You should be cautious about such claims. It is important that you understand all the terms of a plan to “rescue” you from mortgage foreclosure and how it will affect you. It may result in your losing valuable equity that you may have in your home. If possible, you should consult with an attorney or financial professional to find out what other options you may have. Do not delay seeking advice, because the longer you wait, the fewer options you may have. Under Idaho law, you have five (5) days to rescind or undo certain contracts or agreements that relate to transferring interests in property or money in a foreclosure situation. An attorney or financial professional can tell you more about this option. Legal#10981 AD#3496 December 15, 22, 29, 2022; January 5, 2023

SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION OF CITY OF BONNERS FERRY, IDAHO ORDINANCE NO. 605 Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-901A, the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho hereby gives notice of the adoption of City of Bonners Ferry Ordinance No. 605 adopted on December 6, 2022. The full title of the ordinance is: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BONNERS FERRY, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, REPEALING BONNERS FERRY CITY CODE, TITLE 13, FLOOD CONTROL, AND REPLACING IT WITH A NEW TITLE 13, FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION THAT REFLECTS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM AND THE STANDARDS OF THE STATE OF IDAHO DISASTER PREPAREDNESS ACT; TO PROVIDE: DEFINITIONS; A BASIS FOR THE FLOODPLAIN AND REGULATIONS; ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES; DEVELOPMENT PERMITTING AND STANDARDS; APPEAL AND VARIANCES PROCESSES; EXCEPTIONS; A VIOLATIONS PROCESS; ESTABLISHMENT OF PENALTIES AS A MISDEMEANOR; CIVIL REMEDIES; AND TO PROVIDE SEVERABILITY; AN EFFECTIVE DATE THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT FROM AND AFTER ITS PASSAGE, APPROVAL, AND PUBLICATION ACCORDING TO LAW. The ordinance replaces Title 13 Flood Control with a code that is compliant with the flood prevention standards of the State of Idaho and the National Flood Insurance Program. The ordinance contains updated definitions to identify commonly used FEMA terms and adds new definitions, including “mudslide,” provides duties for the community floodplain administrator, sets specific standards to prevent flood damage, makes certain exceptions for low-cost, non-residential buildings, adds standards for utility and hazardous waste placement in the floodplain, requires evacuation routes for new housing developments, sets appeal and variance procedures, and establishes corrective actions and penalties for violations. The full text of Ordinance No. 605 is available at Bonners Ferry City Hall, 7232 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, during regular business hours. City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho Mayor James R. “Dick” Staples ATTEST: Christine McNair, City Clerk City Attorney Statement Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-901A(3) I, Andrakay Pluid, duly appointed City Attorney for the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, certify that the above summary is true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public. Legal#10982 AD#3542 December 15, 2022 _________________________

BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE #2023-2 BOUNDARY COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING FILE #22-0199 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO, AMENDING THE BOUNDARY COUNTY ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 2019-1 (ALSO KNOWN AS 9B18LOV2), TO PROVIDE EFFECTIVE DATES FOR THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP (BOUNDARY COUNTY ZONE DISTRICT MAP) AND SUBDIVISION STANDARDS FOR THE PURPOSES OF CONFIRMING LOTS AND PARCELS OF RECORD; PROVIDING A REVISION TO THE NON-CONFORMING DEFINITION; CORRECTING A CROSS-REFERENCING ERROR IN DEFINITIONS; AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. SUMMARY:  The Boundary County Board of Commissioners adopted Ordinance #2023-2, to: repeal a cross-reference in the definitions section to a non-existent family land transfer section; amend the non-conforming parcel or lot definition and to remove portion that prohibits issuance of development permits on non-conforming lands; confirm development rights and standards for non-conforming lands; set effective dates for the official zoning map and subdivision standards for land division reviews; create an optional certificate of compliance review; provide that non-conforming lands may not be adjusted to make them less conforming. The full text of Ordinance #2023-2 is available for review at the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry, ID during regular business hours. This summary shall be filed with the adopted ordinance. COUNTY CLERK STATEMENT: The undersigned Boundary County Clerk, having reviewed Ordinance #2023-2 and the summary for Ordinance #2023-2, believes the summary is true and complete and that it provides adequate notice to the public of the identity, principal provisions, and effective date of the ordinance. s/Boundary County Clerk Glenda Poston Date 11/28/2022 Under the seal of the Boundary County Board of Commissioners Legal#10983 AD#3544 December 15, 2022 _________________________

BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE #2023-1 BOUNDARY COUNTY PLANNING & ZONING FILE #22-0216 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF BOUNDARY COUNTY, IDAHO, AMENDING THE BOUNDARY COUNTY ZONING AND SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE 2019-1 (ALSO KNOWN AS 9B18LOV2), TO PROVIDE DEFINITIONS FOR COMMUNITY WATER, AND WILL-SERVE, AND TO CLARIFY STANDARDS AND PROVISIONS FOR COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL, RURAL, AND URBAN SUBDIVISIONS; AND PROVIDING SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE.   SUMMARY:  The Boundary County Board of Commissioners adopted Ordinance #2023-1, to: define community water as a regulated water source such as a city or association system; define sewer as a regulated sewer system or septic system; define will serve as a letter from the appropriate water or sewer utility confirming resource is available; amend the commercial/industrial subdivision standards to allow private or public roads subject to certain standards; update commercial/industrial, rural, and urban subdivision standards to require confirmation that water, sewer, and electrical services can serve the future subdivisions; amend urban subdivision to specify that only lands that are zoned Residential, Suburban, or Rural Community/Commercial are eligible for urban subdivisions. The full text of Ordinance #2023-1 is available for review at the Boundary County Courthouse, 6452 Kootenai St. Bonners Ferry, ID during regular business hours. This summary shall be filed with the adopted ordinance. COUNTY CLERK STATEMENT: The undersigned Boundary County Clerk, having reviewed Ordinance #2023-1 and the summary for Ordinance #2023-1, believes the summary is true and complete and that it provides adequate notice to the public of the identity, principal provisions, and effective date of the ordinance. s/Boundary County Clerk Glenda Poston Date 11-28-2022 Under the seal of the Boundary County Board of Commissioners Legal#10984 AD#3546 December 15, 2022 _________________________

NOTICE TO CREDITORS AMENDED CASE NO. CV11-22-431 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of DIANNE SEGO SNIDER, aka Rachel Dianne Sego Snider dod: 03-25-2022, Deceased. Estate of DIANNE SEGO SNIDER Boundary County Case No. CV11-22-431 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Bryon Sego has been appointed personal representative of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or her estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of this notice or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to the undersigned at the address indicated and filed with the Clerk of the Court. /s/Jeremy P. Featherston, Attorney for the Estate of Dianne Sego Snider c/o Featherston Law Firm 113 South Second Avenue Sandpoint, ID 83864 Phone: (208) 263-6866 Legal#10985 AD#3547 December 15, 22, 29, 2022 _________________________

LEGAL NOTICE The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho: 98-8104 KELLY M STANFORD 290 TROUT CREEK RD BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805-6088 Point of Diversion  SWSE  S2 T63N R01W  BOUNDARY County Source TROUT CREEK  Tributary KOOTENAI RIVER Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 0.06 CFS Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 0.09 CFS Total Diversion: 0.15 CFS Date Filed: 11-21-2022 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC,IRRIGATION T63N R01W S2 SWSE Total Acres: 3  Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. For additional information concerning the property location, contact the Northern office at (208)762-2800; or for a full description of the right(s), please see Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code § 42-203A. Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resources, Northern Region, 7600 N MINERAL DR STE 100, COEUR D ALENE ID 83815-7763 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 1/3/2023. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant. GARY SPACKMAN, Director Legal#10986 AD#3548 December 15, 22, 2022 _________________________