Friday, March 14, 2025

Hope House to open soup kitchen

Staff Writer | December 29, 2022 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — The Hope House of Boundary County is opening a soup kitchen at the Bonners Ferry Seniors Hospitality Center on Fridays starting next month.

The first event will be held Jan. 6, from 5:30-7 p.m.

In July, Eli and Anna Pine took over the stewardship of Hope House, a nonprofit organization providing free clothing, baby and food items to the Boundary County community. They have been working to expand the nonprofit’s ability to provide for community members in need.

Eli Pine told the Herald that Hope House is starting the soup kitchen, because prior to COVID-19 there were several soup kitchens in Bonners Ferry and he wishes to bring it back.

Pine said Hope House has received a free one-year lease to use the senior center for the soup kitchen.

This year, Hope House received donations of several pigs and a cow from the Boundary County Fair. Pine said the meat will be used at the soup kitchen.

“I hope more people will donate to Hope House when they see what the food and donations are used for,” he said.

He hopes to provide more food options as the program grows and as more donations come in. At this time, Hope House will pay for the meals at the kitchen, but the nonprofit is on a limited budget.

There is no qualification to receive food at the soup kitchen. Pine said he hopes the soup kitchen can be geared toward seniors, but added anyone who is hungry can come by. At this time the plan is to have the soup kitchen open every Friday, but that may change depending on community need and support, he added.

Pine said he hopes to have more volunteers and to partner with other nonprofits and community groups to keep the soup kitchen running smoothly.

In the future, the Pines desire Hope House to host more community and family events throughout the year, while providing its main service.

If you have any questions or want to get involved or volunteer at the soup kitchen or Hope House contact Hope House on social media or call/text at 208-946-9947.

Hope House is open for those in need at 5100 Camelot Lane, Duplex A, Moyie Springs, on Fridays and Saturdays from 1-4 p.m.

The soup kitchen will open Jan. 6 from 5:30-7 p.m. Regular schedule will be decided based on community need and interest.

The Seniors Hospitably Center is located at 6635 Lincoln St., Bonners Ferry, and is attached to the Veterans of Foreign Wars location.