Monday, March 03, 2025

Legals for February, 3 2022

| February 3, 2022 12:00 AM

The following is a synopsis of the official Boundary County Commissioners' minutes per Idaho Code 31-819. Detailed minutes are available for public inspection at the Auditor's Office in the Courthouse during normal working hours. Minutes of open meetings held on September 7, 2020 through September 29, 2020. Approved Motions: Go out for bids for FY 20-21 county fuel supply; Sign: Certificates of Residency, Any & all documents associated with Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act Broadband grant, Grant Administration Contract with Panhandle Area Council for Idaho Broadband Projects, Memorandum of Agreement to Support Community Based Alternative Svcs Program & Substance Use Disorder Svcs Program, Cooperative Agreement for Univ. of Idaho Extension Programs, Computer Arts Master Agreement & Software & Support License, Addendums A, B, & Addendum C's, Invoice Summary & Request for Reimbursement No. 2 for Airport Improvement Project #3-16-0004-018-2020 & Invoice Summary & Request for Reimbursement No. 4 for Airport Improvement Project #3-16-0004-017-2020, Letter of neutrality for Forest Legacy proposals for 2020, Prof. Svcs Agreement with HMH Engineering for Sunrise Road drainage, Contract for Law Enforcement Svcs with Kootenai Tribe for FY 20-21, City-County Dispatch Agreement, Contracts for Public Defender with Rollie Watson, Serra Wood & Bruce Green; Contract for Retainer as Conflict Counsel & Contract for First Appearances, Amend the prior two motions to include the contracts will be signed when reviewed by legal counsel, outside of Prosecutor's Ofc; Airport Mgr's Agreement with Northern Air, Contract with Attorney Tom Bushnell when approved, Letter of neutrality for Forest Legacy program, Findings & Decision for amendments to County Road Standards Ordinance, Contract with Bonner County Juvenile Detention Ctr; Authorize County Civil Atty to issue statement for case to the title company regarding quiet title action, Authorize County Civil Atty to settle pending litigation & authorize a commissioner to sign associated document when needed; 8/24, 8/31, 9/7 & 9/14-9/15/20 meeting minutes; Resolution re: Establishing Restorium Room & Board fees, Resolution 2020-25A amending Resolution 2020-25 - update & increase administrative fees for land use applications, Resolution 2020-29 adopting Solid Waste Fee Schedule for FY 20-21; Nominate Rebecca Wood as At-Large Board Member on 2020 Election Ballot for Capital Crimes Defense Fund; Amend prior motion made on Tues., Sept. 8, 2020, authorizing Chairman to sign any & all documents associated with Idaho CARES Act Broadband Grant to state that Commissioner Wally Cossairt is also authorized to sign any & all documents associated with Idaho CARES Act Broadband grant; 2 indigent matters; New private road names of Angels Way & Likely Way; Amended prior motion & approve Section 11.3., all of Section 15, change the term Clerk to Recorder, deny balance of proposed changes for P&Z Application #19-177, and to send document back to P&Z Commission; Appoint Clare Marley with Ruen-Yeager Acting Planning & Zoning Ofc Administrator; Authorize Road & Bridge Co-Superintendent Renee Nelson to register with Sourcewell for bids; Request to amend official zoning map to rezone ±1 acre from Ag/Forestry to Commercial/Light Industrial, File #20-098, and direct staff to prepare written findings & decision and draft ordinance to amend the zoning map, finding the proposal is in accordance with the Comprehensive Plan and criteria of Sect. 18 of Boundary County Zoning & Subdivision Ordinance; Amend prior motion & approve preliminary plat to include waterline extension, one fire hydrant minimum, road width & turnaround to be pioneered in, road name, appropriate easements, variance obtained for road approach as shown on prelim. plat, and for lot 1 to have access to easement to the west; Piggyback bid for 772GP John Deere Motor Grader through John Deere for purchase price of $312,500.00 & guaranteed buyback of $219,000.00; Ordinance 2020-2 amending County Road Standards Ordinance; Idaho Liquor Catering Permit for MickDuff's for Panhandle Overland Rally Event, Rescind prior motion to renew Public Defender Contract with Roland Watson. Denied Motions: 2 indigent cases. Commissioners reviewed claims for payment. Fund totals are as follows: Current Expense ($)126,979.31, Road & Bridge 327,167.67, Airport 10,224.74, Dist. Court 2,105.41, Justice Fund 31,281.23, 911 Funds 10,118.23, Indigent & Charity 13,367.14, Parks & Rec 6,757.94, Revaluation 113.98, Solid Waste 75,329.97, Tort 1,500.00, Vets Memorial 153.76, Weeds 1,282.79, Restorium 16,269.48, Snowmobile 3,000.00, Waterways 392.57, Grant, Airport 28,907.13, Grant, Selkirk Coop Weed Mgmt 20,000.00, Grant, Boat Safety 168.61, Grant, Fire Mitigation 58,462.49. TOTAL $733,582.45. Trusts: Auditor's 64,500.15, Boundary Co. Drug Court 127.35, Driver's License 7,185.50, Motor Vehicle 196,271.86, Insurance Reimbursement 788.90, Sheriff's Fund 823.00, Odyssey Court Acct 25,482.45, Odyssey Restitution Acct 2,602.71. TOTAL $297,781.92. GRAND TOTAL $1,031,364.37. Payroll claims $701,281.11. Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners' allowance & warrant register record 2019-2020). BFH#10791/AD#512103 FEBRUARY 3, 2022

The following is a synopsis of the official Boundary County Commissioners' minutes per Idaho Code 31-819. Detailed minutes are available for public inspection at the Auditor's Office in the Courthouse during normal working hours. Minutes of open meetings held on August 3, 2020 through August 31, 2020. Approved Motions: Sign: Certificates of Residency, Real Property Lease with Kootenai River Lumber Company for parking, Riverside Rd Partner Concurrence document, Letter of support for Kootenai Tribe regarding application for funding for Twin Rivers Road improvements, Renewal Agreement with Second Chance Animal Adoption for FY 20-21, Adult Detention Agreement with Kootenai Tribe, Property Tax Cancellation form for tax year 2017 for parcel #RP60N01W348990A, Rural Idaho Economic Development Professional Grant for FY20-21, Idaho Boundary Riverside Rd Improvements Partner Concurrence letter, FAA Request for Reimbursement (RFR) #3 & Invoice Summary for Airport Improvement Project (AIP) 3-16-0004-017-2020 for environmental study and RFR #1 & Invoice Summary for AIP 3-16-0004-018-2020 for construction of snow removal equipment bldg, FY2021 Indigent Defense Financial Assistance Agreement, Letters of Intent for Columbia Bk Leases #1713908, #1822897, #2049363, & #20288512, L-2 Forms once Commissioners receive final valuations from State Tax Commission, Federal Lands Hwy Design Standards Form for Riverside Rd Improvement Proj., Idaho Broadband Grant Agreement with State of Idaho for CARES Act Broadband Grant; Proposed private road name of Prosperity Drive; 1 indigent matter; 7/6-7/7, 7/27, 8/3, 8/10-8/11, 8/17-8/18/20 minutes; Adopt Resolution re: Updating & increasing administrative fees for land use applications, Adopt FY 20-21 county budget, Reserving forgone amt for FY20-21; Nominate Dave McGraw of Latah County as At-Large position for Capital Crimes Defense Fund; 2020 county alcoholic beverage license application for WOK-A-MOLE´; Disbursements as presented, amend prior motion to include preparing a resolution to disburse excess funds if needed; Boundary Electric's Estimate #19-986 to get 220 power court purposes & Estimate #19-982 to get power for server room; C.E. Kramer Crane & Contracting bid for Deep Crk Bridge #3 wingwall repair project; Independent Contractor Agreement with C.E. Kramer Crane & Contracting for Deep Crk Bridge #3 wingwall repair project; Adopt FY 20-21 County budget; County has forgone tax amount of $643,196.00 that it chooses to retain & not levy for; Adopted budget includes expenditure of funds for all county leases to also include Columbia Bk Leases #1713908, #1822897, #2049363 & #20288512; Increase Restorium room rates by 8% for new residents & 4.9% for existing residents; Ratify signing document from Rule Steel Container for roll offs for Solid Waste Dept.; BF Builders to install two doors at armory. Denied Motions: None. Commissioners reviewed claims for approval. Fund totals are as follows: Current Expense ($)63,579.36 Rd/Bridge 45,572.07, Airport 15,231.92, Dist. Court 2,955.11, Fair, County 52,000.00, Justice Fund 20,587.71, 911 Funds 4,002.17, Health Dist. 13,773.00, Historical Society/Museum 23,000.00, Hospital, Operation 135,000.00, Indigent/Charity 11,526.54, Jr. College Tuition 500.00, Parks/Rec 4,966.20, Revaluation 89.02, Solid Waste 19,948.17, Tort 1,623.46, Vets Memorial 71.11, Weeds 8,106.11, Restorium 14,599.10, Waterways 6,679.75, Grant, Airport 16,615.23, Juvenile Probation-Lottery 120.00, Grant, Boat Safety 470.95, Grant, Fire Mitigation 55,000.00. TOTAL $516,016.98. Trusts: Auditor 2,515.73, Sales Tax Collected 9.06, Driver's License 8,294.50, Indigent Reimbursements 5,312.00, Motor Vehicle 222,951.77, Sheriff's Fund 748.95, Odyssey Court Acct 25,904.14, Odyssey Bond Acct 1,890.00. TOTAL $267,626.15. GRAND TOTAL $783,643.13. Payroll claims $698,836.39. Citizens are invited to inspect detailed records on file in the Courthouse (individual claims & Commissioners' allowance & warrant register record 2019-2020). BFH#10792/AD#512119 FEBRUARY 3, 2022

Notice of Public Hearing Notice is hereby given that a public hearing pursuant to Idaho Code and Boundary County code has been set for the Boundary County Planning & Zoning Commission on FEBRUARY 24, 2022, at 5:30 P.M. at the Boundary County Annex (former Armory Building) at 6566 Main St., Bonners Ferry, ID (use north double-door entrance) to consider the following: FILE 22-0033, VARIANCE, MICHAEL & ELIZABETH DESROSIERS are requesting approval for a lot/parcel size minimum variance to allow for a 10-acre parcel and a remainder parcel less than 10 acres through a future land division of about 19.3 acres. The property is zoned and designated on the comprehensive plan land use map as Agriculture/Forestry, which has a minimum density of 10 acres. The site is located at 148 Flicker Road and is identified as Assessor's Parcel RP62N03E299250A, in Section 29, Township 62 North, Range 3 East, B.M. Written comment for these files may be submitted to the Planning Office at PO Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 no later than February 16, 2022. Anyone wishing to speak during the public portion of the hearing may do so in compliance with the public hearing procedures. The complete files are available for view on the Boundary County Planning and Zoning website at or by appointment at the Planning Office by contacting the planners (208) 265-4629 and selecting the planning extension. Anyone requiring special accommodations due to disability should contact the Commissioners' office at least two days prior to the meeting at (208) 267-7723. BFH#10790/511795 FEBRUARY 3, 2022

The following application(s) have been filed to appropriate the public waters of the State of Idaho: 98-8067 LARRY DUSCHER 293 FIRESIDE RD BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805-2900 Point of Diversion NESE S12 T62N R01E BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 1 /1 to 12/31 Total Diversion: 0.08 CFS Date Filed: 11-22-2021 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T62N R01E S12 NESE,NWSE 98-8070 JOSH EVONIUK MALLORIE EVONIUK 93 HUMBOLDT DR BONNERS FERRY, ID 83805-1089 Point of Diversion L2(SWNW) S30 T63N R02E BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 1 /1 to 12/31 Total Diversion: 0.02 CFS Date Filed: 11-24-2021 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T63N R01E S25 NENE,SENE Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T63N R02E S30 L1(NWNW),L2(SWNW) 98-8071 VERA KENNEDY 157 CLOVER LANE NAPLES, ID 83847 Point of Diversion L5(SWNW) S6 T60N R01E BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 1 /1 to 12/31 Total Diversion: 0.04 CFS Date Filed: 12-16-2021 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T60N R01E S6 L5(SWNW) 98-8075 JED CLARK 10267 W HIDDEN VALLEY RD RATHDRUM, ID 83858 Point of Diversion SESW S12 T61N R01E BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 Total Diversion: 0.04 CFS Date Filed: 01-20-2022 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC T61N R01E S12 SESW 98-8076 JOHN POCOCK PO BOX 447 DAYTON, NV 89403-0447 Point of Diversion SWSE S8 T65N R01W BOUNDARY County Source GROUND WATER Use: STOCKWATER 01/01 to 12/31 0.02 CFS Use: IRRIGATION 04/01 to 10/31 0.12 CFS Use: DOMESTIC 01/01 to 12/31 0.06 CFS Total Diversion: 0.2 CFS Date Filed: 01-21-2022 Place Of Use: DOMESTIC,IRRIGATION, STOCKWATER T65N R01W S8 SWSE Total Acres: 4 Permits will be subject to all prior water rights. For additional information concerning the property location, contact the Northern office at (208)762-2800; or for a full description of the right(s), please see Protests may be submitted based on the criteria of Idaho Code § 42-203A. Any protest against the approval of this application must be filed with the Director, Dept. of Water Resources, Northern Region, 7600 N MINERAL DR STE 100, COEUR D ALENE ID 83815-7763 together with a protest fee of $25.00 for each application on or before 2/22/2022. The protestant must also send a copy of the protest to the applicant. GARY SPACKMAN, Director BFH#10789/AD#511566 FEBRUARY 3, 10, 2022

IMPORTANT WATER RIGHTS INFORMATION YOUR FILING DEADLINE IS: September 2, 2022 FAILURE TO FILE A REQUIRED NOTICE OF CLAIM WILL RESULT IN A DETERMINATION BY THE COURT THAT THE WATER RIGHT NO LONGER EXISTS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF TWIN FALLS In Re: The General Adjudication of Civil No. 00-69576 Rights to the Use of Water from the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River COMMENCEMENT Basins Water System. NOTICE Property Owners within Boundary and Bonner Counties within IDWR's Administrative Basin 96 _______________________________ TO: ALL PERSONS OWNING RIGHTS TO THE USE OF WATER WITHIN THE CLARK FORK-PEND OREILLE RIVER BASINS WATER SYSTEM YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT: On June 15, 2021, the Fifth Judicial District Court in and for the County of Twin Falls issued an order commencing a general adjudication of water rights within the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basins water system in Idaho. A general adjudication is a court case which will result in a decree determining all water rights within a water system. The purpose of the adjudication is to obtain an inventory of water rights to ensure proper delivery of water in times of shortage and to ensure certainty of water right ownership to property owners. The purpose of this notice is to inform you of the commencement of the adjudication and your legal responsibilities at this stage of the adjudication. GENERAL REQUIREMENT TO FILE A NOTICE OF CLAIM Idaho Code § 42-1409 requires that a Notice of Claim be filed for all water rights within the boundaries of the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basins water system in the State of Idaho, except for certain water rights specifically excluded by law. "All water rights within the boundaries of the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basin water system in the State of Idaho" includes rights to the use of water from any water source, including streams, any springs, lakes, ground water, developed water, waste water, or any other source. A map showing the boundaries of the water system is included at the end of this notice. The Notice of Claim must be filed with the Idaho Department of Water Resources ("IDWR"). A Notice of Claim must be filed for all water rights based upon state law by the deadline above, except for de minimis domestic and stockwater claims as described below. Water rights based upon state law include historic use rights (established by the diversion and application of water to a beneficial use), decreed rights, licensed rights, or water right permits if proof of beneficial use was filed on or before June 15, 2021. For all water rights based upon federal law, a Notice of Claim or negotiated agreement must be filed by the deadline above, unless an alternative filing schedule is adopted by the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basins Adjudication ("CFPRBA") District Court. DE MINIMIS (SMALL) DOMESTIC AND STOCKWATER CLAIMS Water users of a small domestic and/or stockwater ("D&S") right, as defined by Idaho Code §§ 42-111 & 42-1401A, may elect to file a Notice of Claim now or defer (postpone) the filing until a later time in this proceeding. Although a deadline for filing claims for "deferrable" D&S water rights has not been set, the opportunity to defer filing is not indefinite. At some time in the future, the court will establish a filing deadline for small D&S water rights. The fee for filing a Notice of Claim with IDWR for a D&S water right at this time is $25. IDWR recommends filing a claim for a small D&S water right now and not deferring. In times of water shortage, water is delivered to water right holders by a watermaster. Watermasters deliver water as authorized by (1) a water right decreed by a court or by a water right approved by IDWR. The owner of a D&S water right which has not been established through a license or decree, who elects to defer the filing of a Notice of Claim until a later time will be required to have the water right adjudicated prior to the water right being distributed by a watermaster and/or before an application for change of the water right may be filed with IDWR. Water right holders who file a motion with the district court at a later date to have the water right adjudicated, will be required to pay their own cost of serving notice of the motion, advertising, and all costs incurred by IDWR for investigation and preparation of a report to be filed with the court, all of which will exceed the $25 filing fee. A claimant of a D&S water right will be bound by the terms of any decrees entered in this adjudication (including the limitation on D&S water rights that may be adjudicated at a later date) regardless of whether or not the claimant files a notice of claim for the D&S water right at this time. Claimants should be certain their water use qualifies for the deferral procedure for D&S claims before deciding not to file a notice of claim at this time. EXCEPTIONS TO GENERAL REQUIREMENT TO FILE NOTICE OF CLAIM A Notice of Claim is not required to be filed for water right permits for which proof of beneficial use was filed after June 15, 2021. The director of IDWR may, at a later date, require holders of such permits to file a Notice of Claim. If the director does issue such an order, the permit holder will be notified by mail. A Notice of Claim is not required for a water right that is still in the application for permit stage. A water user need not file a Notice of Claim where the water user is not the owner of the water right. A Notice of Claim is not required for any person who receives water solely by virtue of ownership of shares of stock in, or by being located within the boundary of a water delivery organization, if the water delivery organization holds legal title to the water right and if the water delivery organization files a Notice of Claim. Examples of water delivery organizations include, but are not limited to, cities, water utility districts or companies, and irrigation districts. FEES AND DEADLINES FOR FILING A NOTICE OF CLAIM Idaho Code § 42-1414 requires each person who files a Notice of Claim to pay a filing fee. Failure to pay the fee will result in the rejection of the Notice of Claim. The persons receiving this Notice have property within Boundary and Bonner Counties and within IDWR's Administrative Basin 96. The deadline for filing a Notice of Claim for water rights in your area is September 2, 2022. A Notice of Claim filed after this date may be accepted prior to the filing of the director's report with the court, but failure to file a Notice of Claim by the established deadline may result in the assessment of a late fee of $50.00 or 15% of the original filing fee, whichever is greater. Idaho Code § 42-1409A imposes substantial restrictions on the filing of amended or late Notices of Claim. NOTICE OF CLAIM FORMS AND INSTRUCTIONS A Notice of Claim must be filed online at or on forms provided by IDWR. When filing at an IDWR regional office please bring a description of the property with Township, Range, Section and Quarter-Quarters, or the county parcel number. Subdivision lot and block numbers are not sufficient. Claimants should always call the nearest regional office to schedule an appointment if help is needed in filling out a Notice of Claim. The Notice of Claim forms and instructions for completing and filing the forms are available online at or at the following locations: 1. IDWR, Northern Region, 7600 Mineral Dr., Suite 100, Coeur d'Alene, ID 83815-7763; Phone: (208) 762-2800; 2. IDWR, Western Region, 2735 Airport Way, Boise, ID, 83705-5082; Phone: (208) 334-2190; 3. IDWR, Southern Region, 650 Addison Ave. W, Suite 500, Twin Falls, ID 83301-5858; Phone: (208) 736-3033; 4. IDWR, Eastern Region, 900 N. Skyline Dr., Suite A, Idaho Falls, ID 83402-1718; Phone: (208) 525-7161; 5. IDWR, State Office, 322 E. Front St., Boise, ID 83720-0098; Phone: (208) 287-4800; 6. IDWR, Salmon Field Office, 102 S. Warpath, Salmon, ID 83467-4435; Phone: (208) 742-0658. NOTICE TO IDWR OF CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP OR ADDRESS Idaho Code § 42-1409 requires all purchasers of a water right to inquire of IDWR whether a Notice of Claim has been filed. If a Notice of Claim has not been filed, the purchaser must file any required Notice of Claim, as described above. If a Notice of Claim has been filed, the purchaser must file with IDWR a written notice of the change in ownership along with sufficient evidence of ownership. ''Purchaser'' includes any person acquiring a water right from another water user, whether it is acquired by purchase, gift, inheritance, or any other means. Idaho Code § 42-1409 also requires all persons who have filed a Notice of Claim to file a written notice of any change in address with IDWR. FURTHER INFORMATION The files of the CFPRBA District Court will contain affidavits and other documents listing the persons served with copies of this notice. If you want information regarding Notice of Claims filed with IDWR in this adjudication, you may inquire at any IDWR office or online at If you want information on other documents filed with the court in this adjudication, you may obtain a copy of the docket sheet from the CFPRBA District Court on their website at, or at 253 3rd Avenue North, P.O. Box 2707, Twin Falls, Idaho 83303-2707. The docket sheet will be prepared each month, and will contain a summary of all documents filed with the court in the previous month, and the dates and locations of hearings set for the following three months. You can get a copy of a docket sheet for the cost of mailing and/or copying, or you can get a subscription to receive the docket sheet each month. The docket sheet will also be filed with the district court clerk for every county within the boundaries of the Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basins water system in Idaho. Gary Spackman, Director, Idaho Department of Water Resources Northern Idaho Adjudication Clark Fork-Pend Oreille River Basin Water System PLEASE REMEMBER FAILURE TO FILE A REQUIRED NOTICE OF CLAIM TO YOUR EXISTING WATER RIGHT WILL RESULT IN A DETERMINATION BY THE COURT THAT THE WATER RIGHT NO LONGER EXISTS. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL TOLL-FREE 1-800-451-4129, OR CALL ANY IDWR REGIONAL OFFICE LISTED IN THIS NOTICE, OR CONSULT YOUR ATTORNEY. BFH#10787/AD#510723 FEBRUARY 3, 10, 17, 2022

NOTICE OF HEARING IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE 1ST JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JUDITH LYNN MACE, DECEASED CAUSE NO. CV 11-21-510 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 8th day of March 2022 at 10:30 a.m. or as soon thereafter as possible, a hearing will be held on the APPLICATION FOR INFORMAL PROBATE AND PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE presented by SCOTT ARTHUR MACE before the Honorable Magistrate Justin W. Julian via Zoom Video Conference (Zoom information to be provided by the Court). /s/ Scott A. Mace BFH#10784/AD#509975 JANUARY 27, FEBRUARY 3, 10, 17, 2022

SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY CRAIG W. HUBBARD, Plaintiff, vs. WESLEY W. HUBBARD & SONS, INC. and MARK HUBBARD, CAROLYN BATES, SUSAN NEWHOUSE, WESLEY HUBBARD, JOAN BENSON, MICHAEL HUBBARD, JOSEPH HUBBARD, BENJAMIN HUBBARD HOLLY DAINES, GARFF HUBBARD, MARCIA GROESBECK, LOUISE HUBBARD KELLY HUBBARD, and All other persons unknown, claiming any Right, title, interest in a parcel of land situated in Boundary County, Idaho and legally described as follows: That portion of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E1/2 SW1/4) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Sixty-Two (62) North, Range One (1) East, Boise Meridian, Lying East of the right -of-way of the County Road. Defendants. RULE 4(A)(3)(C) Case No. CV11-22-0006 SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION To: Any persons unknown, claiming any Right, title, estate, lien or interest in: That portion of the East Half of the Southwest Quarter (E1/2 SW1/4) of Section Twenty-one (21), Township Sixty- Two (62) North, Range One (1) East, Boise Meridian, Lying East of the right -of-way of the County Road. You have been sued by CRAIG W. HUBBARD the Plaintiff, in the District Court in and for Boundary County, Idaho, Case No. CV11-22-0006. The nature of the claim against you is for an action to Quite Title to the above described interest in real property in the Plaintiff's name. Any time after 21 days following the last publication of this summons, the court may enter a judgment against you without further notice, unless prior to that time you have filed a written response in the proper form, including the Case No., and paid any required filing fee to the Clerk of the Court at P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 (mailing address); 6452 Kootenai St., Bonners Ferry, ID 83805 (physical address); or by phone at (208) 267-5504, and served a copy of your response on the Plaintiff's attorney, THOMAS A. BUSHNELL, at P.O. Box 1833, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805. A copy of the Summons and Complaint can be obtained by contacting either the Clerk of the Court or the attorney for Plaintiff. If you wish legal assistance, you should immediately retain an attorney to advise you in this matter. Dated: January 7, 2022 GLENDA POSTON Boundary County District Court By _/S/ Jamie Wilson Deputy Clerk BFH#10781/AD#508173 JANUARY 13, 20, 27, FEBRUARY 3, 2022

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. § 15-3-801) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FORTH COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estates of BEVERLY A. SAUL, And MELVIN EVERETT SAUL, Deceased. CASE NO.CV11-22-0015 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MICHAEL L. SAUL has been appointed Personal Representative of the above-named decedents. All persons having claims against the decedents, or the estates are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or within sixty (60) days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such person, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to Thomas A. Bushnell, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 1833, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 11th day of January, 2022. /s/ THOMAS A. BUSHNELL Attorney for the Personal Representative BFH#10782/AD#508864 JANUARY 20, 27, FEBRUARY 3, 2022