Friday, April 26, 2024

What about an orchard?

Staff Writer | February 24, 2022 1:00 AM

When it comes to fruit bearing trees there are cross pollinators and self pollination trees. Cross pollinators need one or more compatible tree varieties in order to bear fruit. This includes apples, pears and sweet cherries. So if you are starting an orchard this year you’ll need more than one variety to get your trees going.

Self pollinating fruit trees don’t need another tree for pollination and therefore to bear fruit. Common varieties of plum, apricot, peach and sour cherry fall under this category.

Common varieties of plum, apricot, peach and sour cherry are self pollinating trees, Shelly Kramer of Sugar Plum Floral said. Apples, pears and sweet cherries do well in our area, but peaches and apricots seem to struggle due to colder temperatures and high elevations throughout the county.