Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In History — July 1-7, 2022

| July 7, 2022 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

The Idaho Gold and Ruby Co. celebrated the Fourth of July the mine with a big blow-out. J.M. Schnatterly, sent crate after crate of watermelons and cantaloupes, grapes, ice cream up from Spokane, and all the good eats that go to make a Fourth enjoyable were on the hand out at the camp.

A fire of unknown origin destroyed the W.C. Cundell's general merchandise store at Copeland Tuesday morning. The loss is estimated at about $6,000.

A party of gypsies were arrested here last Thursday by Sheriff Fisher and his deputies, on warrants which had been issued in Kootenai County, two of the women members of the band being captured with having stolen $110 from a man at Coeur d’Alene, $10 from another party at Hayden Lake, and $50 from a party at Granite.

50 Years Ago

Miss Sharon Tenney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Buck Tenney of Bonners Ferry was chosen in Salt Lake City last week to represent the state of Utah as “Miss U.S.O.” Miss Tenney, along with other chosen entertainers from across the nation, were competing for a spot on Eugene Jelesnek’s USO show. The tour will join Bob Hope in Vietnam for this Christmas tour.

The $1.2 million Katka Face Road bid was recently awarded to Maturnie Bros. of Spokane and construction work began yesterday, according to Forest Service engineers at Sandpoint. The project calls for constructing 15.7 miles of road beginning about five miles east of Bonners Ferry.

A log cabin, a mile south of Naples known as the “Grandma Kramer” place, burned to the ground Friday afternoon.

15 Years Ago

As gale force winds blasted through Boundary County last Friday evening, dust clouds filled the valleys as trees and electric poles snapped like twigs.

With her story about “The Mysterious Purple Horse,” Lauren Stidham from Bonners Ferry won first place in the kindergarten category in the Idaho Public Television/KUID regional READING RAINBOW Young Writers and Illustrators Awards Contest.

Boulder Creek Academy students and their teacher painted a beautiful mural on the back wall of the Museum. They were sponsored by the Academy and the Boundary County Historical Society.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum