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BFHS Volleyball season 2022 info

| July 29, 2022 1:00 AM

Info has been updated due to scheduling changes.

Bonners Ferry High School volleyball coaches welcome athletes and parents to the 2022 fall volleyball season. Below are a few key dates and information to help everyone plan for the upcoming season.

Key dates/information:

Volleyball tryouts begin Monday, Aug. 8, from 7-9 a.m. at the BFHS Gym.

Coaches apologize for the change in time, several ladies are involved with the fair and coaches want to be able to accommodate them.

Also, reminder, free physicals are Tuesday, Aug. 2, from 5-7 p.m. at Boundary County Hospital.

All incoming freshman, juniors and any athlete who does not have a current physical on file with BFHS (physicals are only good for two years) must submit a current physical prior to beginning any tryouts/practices.

This is also a good event for those athletes/parents who want to complete all of the paperwork needed, as well as pay for ASB cards/drug test. All athletes must have a physical prior to participating in try-outs on Monday, Aug. 8.

Aug. 1-7 is the Idaho High School Athletics Association Athlete no-contact period. Athletic packets will be available for pick-up at BFHS the entire week; athletes/parents are encouraged to stop by, grab a packet, fill out/sign applicable forms, and have athletes bring their completed packets to the first day of practice on Aug. 8.

As a reminder, athletes will also need to purchase an ASB card, as well as pay for a drug test to occur at some point during the season. Coaches are not allowed to be in contact with athletes this week, so take advantage of this time to get paperwork completed and get athletes ready for the following weeks’ tryouts.

Coaches said they are aware the Boundary County Fair is the same week as tryouts, but they have scheduled early to shorten practice sessions knowing that most fair events do not occur during this time. However, they said there will be a few exceptions and asked athletes to communicate with coaches if they are not going to be at tryouts on certain days. Also, athletes must have an updated physical, complete the medical emergency authorization form, and have medical insurance prior to the start of the Aug. 8 tryouts. Paperwork can be turned in at that time.

If a student does not have insurance, parents can see this year’s rates at (click on Parents & Students, then student insurance — HSR) and can sign up through By Aug. 12, teams will be identified, which will allow athletes and their parents to plan accordingly.

Practice for all teams starts Aug. 15-24 from 7:30-9 a.m. An additional practice for JV and varsity will be held from 4:30-6 p.m.

At this time, the C team will only attend the morning practice session on weekdays only, no practices will be held on Saturdays or Sundays during this time. This practice schedule may change slightly, they are still in the process of hiring coaches. Coaches will make sure all athletes and parents are made aware of changes well in advance to allow them to plan accordingly.

A parent meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Aug. 15 in the BFHS commons. This event is mandatory for all athletes and at least one parent/guardian. Any athlete, parent, or guardian who cannot attend must make prior coordination with coaches.

Aug. 20 is a car wash fundraiser, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Columbia Bank. This event is mandatory for all athletes unless prior coordination is made with coaches. This is one of the team’s main fundraising events for the year that impacts their ability to buy equipment and uniforms for teams.

Aug. 25, C/JV/V games at Kellogg, 4/5:30/7 p.m. Bus time 12:30 p.m. See for the complete schedule of games for the remainder of the season.

Aug. 29, C/JV/V games at Stillwater Christian Academy, Kalispell, Mont., 3/4:30/6 p.m. Bus time TBD.

Sept. 1, C/JV/V games at Libby, 3:15, 4:45, 6:15. Bus time TBD.

Sept. 3, C/JV/V games at Sandpoint, noon/1:30/3 p.m. Bus time TBD.

Sept. 5, LABOR DAY, no practice.

Sept. 6, First day of school. Practices will be from 4:15-6 p.m. on school days

Lastly, for all athletes and parents, coaches send out information through a Facebook private page, BFHS Volleyball 2022, as well as through the Signal app. Please contact a coach if you need assistance joining either one or both of these apps so you can receive the latest information and reminders throughout the season. At a minimum, officials require athletes who have access to a smart phone or device to have access to the Signal app to allow them to take ownership and have responsibility for themselves during their season.

More information will be discussed at the parent meeting and as the season progresses; we hope this initial information helps athletes and parents plan for the month of August leading up to the first day of school.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Cynthia Cummings at 803-546-7638 or Teresa Rae at 208-946-6582.

“We are excited about this season, go Badger volleyball,” coaches wrote.