Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Susan Howe

| June 9, 2022 1:00 AM

Sue finally lost her 45-year battle with MS at age 77 on May 28, 2022, after being airlifted from Boundary Community Hospital to Kootenai Health in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Even though her body failed, her spirit never faltered. Sue, loved by all that met her, will be dearly missed.

Susan Carol Kucera was born in Bonners Ferry to parents Leonard Sr. and Maxine Kucera on April 19, 1945. The family of five lived in a log house without electricity or plumbing after World War II while Sue’s dad started a dairy farm. As a girl, Sue helped to raise her sister, Nancy, doing the evening cooking and baby-sitting while the older ones in the family performed the milking chores at the barn.

She was called Suzie then by her classmates at the Curly Creek School for two years and then at the Evergreen School. After graduating from Bonners Ferry High School in 1963, she took nurse’s training for a year while living at the Nurse’s Cottage for the Community Hospital where the Restorium is now. Sue enjoyed taking care of others working as an LPN for doctors, hospitals and convalescent homes.

Sue married her husband in 1966 in Seattle, where they were both working. They moved to Moscow, Idaho, where Sue worked while her husband finished school earning an honorary PHT (putting hubby through) degree. She then retired from nursing to raise a family, living next in Spokane where daughter Karen was born, and finally in Bonners Ferry where son Andy came along. She was the center of the family and Sue loved being a mom. She excelled at being a mother and kids near and far loved her. The sound of kids laughing, playing, sledding in her yard always brought a smile to her face.

Sue enjoyed being outside, many mountains were climbed with children in backpacks, and she made camping and fancy picnics look easy. She had a keen eye for hunting fossils, artifacts, asparagus and mushrooms. She enjoyed reading and painting, but her homemade hand cut noodle soups were true masterpieces.

Sue was twice president of the local PEO chapter, making many lifelong friendships. She served on a Citizen’s Budget Cutting Committee for Boundary County School District, captained a large area for the American Cancer Society, started an MS support group, and operated a safe house for victims of domestic violence (ADV). She took pride in her home and was a community presence always volunteering and available to lend a hand. Sue’s true gift was how she made others feel, an infectious spirt of positivity. People were drawn to her because of her genuine warmth and friendly smile.

Sue struggled valiantly with debilitating MS for the last 45 years, adjusting and adapting as her abilities diminished. Still able to enjoy weekly lunches out with her friends and surrounded by family, her spirt was never broken. In a quiet moment, we will imagine Sue flying free, escaped from a body that no longer served her.

Sue was preceded in death by parents, Leonard Kucera Sr. and Maxine Kucera; and a niece, Christine Lott. She is survived by husband, Terry, Bonners Ferry; daughter, Karen Howe (Kelly) and grandson Winter Wilson, Spokane; son Andy Howe (Kira) and granddaughter, Lena Sue Howe, Bonners Ferry; brother Leonard Kucera Jr. (Lucille), and nieces Angela Baker (Donnie) and Wendy Kucera, Bonners Ferry; sister Nancy Hill, Coeur d'Alene; nephews Erik Olson (Cassie), Bonners Ferry, and Matt Hill (Geni), Athol; sister-in-law Tracy Iverson (Tom), Bonners Ferry; niece Tessa Wickham (Eric), Coeur d’Alene; and nephew Ty Iverson (Lisa) Bonners Ferry; childhood girlfriend cousin Judy Alverson, Tustin, Calif.; cousins Billy Thomas, California, and Pat Steckwein, Colorado.

No public memorial services are planed at this time. Grandview Cemetery burial services will be announced at a future date. To leave a message or memory for the family, please go to Bonners Ferry Funeral Home is caring for the family.