Tuesday, March 04, 2025

This Week In Boundary County History

| March 3, 2022 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Fred G. Chambers of Copeland is securing a patent for an auto mower. The machine can be attached to any auto, truck or tractor and will mow a swath from 5 1/2 feet to 24 feet wide. Mr. Chambers claims 80-100 acres can be cut in a 16 hour shift. The mower is quite simple and has only 61 parts.

The Idaho State highway department built 516.7 miles of new road in 1921 at approximately $5,805 per mile.

Mrs. Caroline Flood, county superintendent of schools has been elected as president of the Idaho State Teachers Assoc.

50 Years Ago

Word was received this week that Susan Florea has been named Editor of the school paper at Wasatch Academy for the next school year. Susan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Florea of Bonners Ferry.

A Bonners Ferry High School graduate is Spacecraft Systems Manager of the first spacecraft to be launched towards Jupiter. Ralph W. Hotzchaw, who graduated from Bonners Ferry High School in 1937, is with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s Ames Research Center in California.

A large mudslide early Tuesday morning raced down the East Hill narrowly missing the Ash Street home of Mr. and Mrs. Dan VeNard, both BFHS teachers.

15 Years Ago

Recently Boundary Community Hospital hosted a “visiting chef luncheon” with gourmet chef Ed Packer, who created a delicious meal for the ECF residents, their families, friends, acute care patients, staff and a large variety of visiting local guests.

The Bonners Ferry City Council amended and clarified a moratorium on the issuance of building permits that had been passed Feb. 15, and established a new zone district designation.

As expected, the Bonners Ferry Badger boys clinched the Intermountain League Championship on Tuesday, Feb. 20, for the chance to compete at state.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum