Saturday, December 28, 2024

This Week In Boundary County History for March 17, 2022

| March 17, 2022 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Bonners Ferry will become a member of the proposed Panhandle Baseball League, which will include teams from eight towns in North Idaho.

Boundary County Post No. 15, American Legion was reorganized at a recent meeting and was attended by a large company of ex-service men of the vicinity. John Hanson was elected president and he is urging all veterans to forward their names to the post commander. A committee was appointed to meet with the ladies of the area about forming a Women's Auxiliary of the American Legion.

50 Years Ago

City Council, Tuesday night, approved an $85,000 building permit, submitted by Standard Oil Company of California, for the construction of a new Standard service station in Bonners Ferry. The new station would be constructed at the site of Quinn Motor Company on South Hill, with the scheduled completion date set for Aug. 1.

Robert Neumeyer will oppose Walt Worley for the First District Post of the upcoming School District Trustee election, slated April 18, after his petition was received last week.

The city of Bonners Ferry recently purchased two generators from the city of Anchorage, Alaska for $50,000. These generators will increase the capacity of the city to handle critical situations.

15 Years Ago

Crystal Lynn Lederhos, a junior from Bonners Ferry, was among the 823 students named to the Gonzaga University’s president’s list for fall semester 2006.

On Saturday, March 10, 13 members of the Bonners Ferry Lacrosse Club traveled to Spokane to play in the Gonzaga Prep Jamboree, and for the second time in less than a year, the team came away victorious playing with such a limited number of players.

Help us extend the hand of friendship to the students and teachers of Middleton High School; their school burned down in February. Attend our fundraising carnival on Friday, March 16, from 4-7. All events planned and sponsored by BCMS eighth grade.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum