Friday, March 14, 2025

Adam Rorick

| May 12, 2022 1:00 AM

• Full name: Adam Rorick

• Profession: Retired senior deputy sheriff

• Party affiliation: Republican

• Educational background: High School, some college, several certificates related to law enforcement

• How many years as a Bonner County resident: 1+ year full time, purchased current home in 2011

• Marital status: Married 29 years in July

• Family: 2 adult children

• Hobbies: Car restoration, construction, shooting, travelling and flying planes

• Website:

  1. Resurrect the Grocery Elimination Tax and the School Choice bills. Introduce the Brandon Durst authored bill Empowering Parents in Education Act (EPEA)
  2. Growth, infrastructure, and education.
  3. No solution for growth as people are free to live where they choose. Education should be the responsibility of the parents and the local school boards and the EPEA should help parents who are engaged in their children’s education. Infrastructure is largely a county issue, but the IDOT partner with local government to ensure that state highways are meeting the needs of the ever-growing population demands.
  4. Yes. Impact fees, paid by the developer, will help ensure that the development will not overwhelm local government services and traffic patterns.
  5. No. I think the government is overreaching in many areas where the programs better managed by local control through the private sector in most cases.
  6. School choice and education reform. I believe in school choice and the tax money should follow the children to their school. I am a proponent for returning control of our educational system back to the parents and local school boards. Parents have rights. Parents should have access to all curriculum involving their children and the final approval for their use. I believe there should be a system in place where the educators are held accountable for teaching subjects or textbooks contrary to the wishes of the parents and school board.
  7. School choice and education reform. Important because our children should not be taught A Neo-Marxian conspiracy theory; predicated on the belief, held religiously, that systemic racism, created by white people for their own benefit, is the fundamental organizing principal of society.
  8. I welcome the opportunity to respond to all criticism. I openly encourage all my constituents to contact me with their concerns and opinions to discuss how I might be able to better represent them in the legislature. With their input, I will balance their wishes with the legal, moral, ethical standards within the Idaho State Constitution, US Constitution, and current laws. God is always first and I must balance my duty to represent the people of my district with His word.
  9. How has your current job prepared you for the legislature. I began a career in law enforcement to help those people who could not help themselves, to give a voice to those who were too victimized to advocate for themselves. I am very effective in conflict resolution, and I worked to hold those individuals, who caused harm to others, accountable for their actions through the judicial system. My knowledge and experience in the judicial system has prepared me well for representing Idahoans in the legislature.
  10. I am the right person to hold the position of Idaho State Representative of District 1A. I believe in free market capitalism, limited government regulation, and effective public safety. I am a strong voice to safeguard our vast natural resources and recreational areas within Idaho. I believe that the path to a stronger Idaho is through education reform, tax reduction and stabilization, and school choice.

As a Senior Deputy, I was a responsible for training all new officers, specializing in training firearms, self-defense, search and seizure law, constitutional law, and field operations for new patrol officers. I am a Christian, constitutional conservative. I believe in the rule of law and inalienable individual rights. I support ALL the Bill of Rights, including, but not limited to, freedom of speech, freedom of religion and the right to keep and bear arms.

I began a career in law enforcement to help those people who could not help themselves, to give a voice to those who were too victimized to advocate for themselves. I am very effective in conflict resolution, and I worked to hold those individuals, who caused harm to others, accountable for their actions through the judicial system. My knowledge and experience in the judicial system has prepared me well for representing Idahoans in the legislature.