Friday, March 14, 2025

Vote Humphreys to be Idaho's next governor

| May 12, 2022 1:00 AM

We would like to endorse Ed Humphreys for the next Governor for the state of Idaho. Ed has been studying the Idaho affairs from Boise intently for the past several years. After attending a Republican committee meeting a couple years ago he was completely discouraged and knew we were in trouble so he decided he needed to do his part. His family immigrated from tyranny in Europe and they know full well the road we are headed down. 

Do not listen to those who say a vote for him will be a vote for Little. All votes count and becoming informed is the only way to get us out from under the tyranny Idaho is headed toward by RINOs currently in and those seeking election for office.

Ed Humphreys is a young, intelligent financial planner who sees the spending waste and has plans in place to put an end to it, and is not supported by special interests groups. His commented during the first meeting here that we were the forgotten part of Idaho clear up here and the roads clearly show that. Inform yourself at Find out for yourselves why a donor put up $100,000 for a debate and Little and McGeachin say he's not worthy of debating, yet he had to hire security in Coeur d'Alene because of threats from their supporters. He is real. He is worthy. He speaks the truth. 


Bonners Ferry