Saturday, February 22, 2025

Mt. Hall Nov. Newsletter- Honoring Veterans

by KYLEE GUTHRIE- Contributing Writer
| November 11, 2022 3:30 PM

Welcome to November! Mt. Hall School is abuzz with students learning, taking assessments, learning robotics, and preparing for performances.

We have been working hard with the guidance and help of Lori Carpenter to honor our nation’s Veterans on Thursday, November 10 at 9 a.m.. We invited all veterans to the gym to watch a performance and to let us say “Thank you!”

Students have also started to prepare for their annual Christmas program and are excited to put on a great show for their friends and family in December.

The Mt. Hall PTO has gotten a whole new group of officers and they’re excited to get going on their projects this year! The new officers are as follows:

President - Nicole Winkelseth, Vice President - Casie Schneider, Secretary - Talina Gossen (Secretary in 2021-2022 as well), Treasurer - Tasha Swisher. We also have a great group of parents who are participating in the PTO to accomplish our shared goals! We’re so grateful for these parents who are so driven and giving of their time.

Their first order of business was to facilitate the Online Auction - set to end on November 10 at 8 p.m. It looks like this will be a successful auction. They have also made Parent Teacher Conference week amazing for teachers by providing dinners each evening. I could go on and on about our PTO.

The fifth graders have been studying the election process and branches of government, and so they’ve had a class election for President and Vice President. The students had very compelling posters and talking points and it was so fun to see them share their ideas with their classmates. Ultimately, Robert Olson was elected President and Madison DesMarais was elected Vice President. Their first order of business was to choose a design for PTO funded Mt. Hall T-Shirts for all of the Mt. Hall students and staff.

They’re also working with their classmates to come up with a plan for our playground to be more conducive to both soccer and football at the same time. They’re sure to figure something great out!

Finally, this month we are recognizing Mt. Hall Employee of the Month. Our choice this month was clear. We are recognizing Jeff Thompson as our Employee of the Month. Jeff is our maintenance manager here at Mt. Hall and he is more than deserving of this recognition. He works extremely hard to ensure that our building is a clean and safe place for students to learn. He’s always willing to take on any project and does so with a smile.

The Wildcats are thrilled to have Jeff on board and the students particularly enjoy that he moves our mascot to the cleanest classrooms so that they’re always working toward a goal. Jeff is also a Veteran who was stationed in Korea and we were able to thank him for his service this week, as well.

Thank you for everything you do, Mr. Jeff!

Kylee Guthrie, is the principal at Mt. Hall Elementary.