Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Bertling supported for honesty, work for county

| October 13, 2022 1:00 AM

About two weeks ago, a Boundary County Republican Committeeman commented about the “write in Tim Bertling signs all over the county.” He wrote that “most of the signs are placed on the properties of people who are members of the corrupt families … running this county for years.”

I’d like to respond to that.

My wife and I moved to Boundary County 40 years ago when I began my career in the timber industry. To this day, we consider ourselves to be lucky to call Bonners Ferry and Boundary County home.

I am on the board of Boundary County Parks and Recreation. I also serve as an alternate board member of KVRI and have participated in various nonprofit groups and committees over the years. That gives me the opportunity to see Commissioner Bertling at work.

So, yes; “re-elect Tim Bertling” signs are present on numerous properties in and around Bonners Ferry and Boundary County. I should know, I put up a lot of them. There are signs present on land owned by individuals who have lived in Boundary County for generations and there are signs on the properties of those who have recently moved here.


The people who have signs on their property support Tim for his honesty, his work ethic, and involvement on behalf of the people of Boundary County.

I urge you to get informed, get involved in your community and please, on Nov. 8, cast your write-in vote for Tim Bertling.


Bonners Ferry