Thursday, March 06, 2025

City to host public hearing on proposed rate increases

| October 13, 2022 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — The city of Bonners Ferry is hosting a public hearing on city rate increases on Oct. 18.

The hearing will start at 6 p.m.

At the Sept. 20 city council meeting, an electric cost of service analysis was presented by FCS Group. The recommendation from FCS Group was that the city should be proactive by slowly increasing the electric rates over the next few years in order to avoid a massive rate jump in service costs down the road.

Discussions ensued on how to adjust utility rates in order to pay for the increased costs of services due to inflation. It was staff’s recommendation that rate increases of 5% across rates classes be proposed for sewer rate and city water utility rates and that a 5-6% increase based on rate classes be proposed for city electric rates. Council agreed to other adjusted rates in order to consider the cost of providing and increased costs of supplies, equipment and costs of processing requests.

For Mirror Lake Golf Course proposed rates increases include $1 increase for junior green fees. Adult season passes and other costs will increase, such as adult season passing going from $437 to $481. There are other rate increases for the golf course, but they are increased by line item and not a flat increase across the board.

Mayor Dick Staples shared that he’s had conversations with PGA Ralph Lotspeich that costs of equipment and course maintenance has increased as products and shipping costs have increased.

Swim lessons at the city pool are proposed to be equal for both inside and outside city times, set at $50.

Garbage rates are proposed to go from $12 to $12.55 per month for up to three cans to adjust for contract rate costs to the city.

Business licenses are proposed to move to $50 initial fee and $25 annual renewal fee in order to “capture the cost of processing licenses.”

Planning and zoning land use application rates are also proposed to increase. This increase is proposed to “be more representative of the average cost of service.”

A copy of the new draft fee structure can be viewed at City Hall during business hours. The draft fee structure will be available on the city’s website for viewing as well.

Bonners Ferry City Hall is located at 7232 Main St. The next city council meeting is Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 6 p.m.