Sunday, March 09, 2025

Bertling will preserve county's character, lifestyle

| October 20, 2022 1:00 AM

The Bertling family have been our next-door neighbors for more than 50 years. We watched Tim grow up to be a fine young man, marry Wendy and move a couple blocks down the road where he established his own home and raised his children. We could not have asked for any finer neighbors than Tom and Kathy Bertling, Tim and his sister and brothers.

Our great-grandchildren are the seventh generation of the Dehlbom/Ashby families to live in Boundary County. Tim’s family roots are in timber and ours are in timber and farming. Tim realizes and appreciates, as do we, the hard work and sacrifices made by our family members who have gone before us that have made this community the wonderful place that it is. Some of my children and grandchildren still log here and farm in the valley today.

Tim has proven to be a true public servant, as most of our county commissioners have been over the years. Tim does not bring to the table his own personal agenda or radical new ideas that could drastically change the way we live, work and recreate in Boundary County. He listens to his constituents and genuinely tries to implement practical, common sense ideas that would improve our lives, not change them.

This election is not about longtime residents whose families are trying to “maintain power.” It should not be about pitting old-timers against all the new people who have moved in. One new resident told us recently that he would not be voting for Tim because “you natives who live here live in a bubble, you are ignorant of what you have and are ill-prepared to preserve it.” Untrue. We chose to live in Boundary County and raise our children here because we very well know what a gem we have in this little spot in North Idaho. We want to preserve our lifestyle, and we believe Tim Bertling will do just that.

On election day please write in Tim Bertling for county commissioner, District 2. And do not forget to darken the oval next to his name or your write-in vote will not count. Vote Nov. 8.


Bonners Ferry