Friday, March 14, 2025

Russell Mountain and Scotch Creek fire update

| September 3, 2022 11:40 AM

BOUNDARY COUNTRY---The current “Ready” stage for potential evacuations is extended for the Russell Mountain and Scotch Creek fires, since after the morning briefing from the Incident Commander.

Update of fires Boundary County Fires. as of Sept. 3 at 10 a.m.

As of 5 pm PDT, on September 2, the Eneas Peak, Katka, Russell Mountain, Scotch Creek, and Trout Fires have officially been grouped into the Kootenai River Complex. Fire totalling 6,984 Acres

Sept 1, a reconnaissance flight checked the status of existing fires. The Eneas Peak fire grew 178 acres; the Trout Fire grew 428 acres; the Russell Mountain fire grew 607 acres, and the Scotch fire grew 449 acres.

Fire managers continue to assess opportunities to utilize aviation resources to confine all four fires within the drainages and west of the private lands.

Engines are working along Westside road to protect private homes, and crews will continue the work into the night.

Closures: Due to fire suppression activities and active fires effect we advise that visitors avoid Ball Creek Road (FSR 432), Trout Creek Road (FSR 634), and trails. Impacted Trails include Russell Mountain (No. 12), Russell Ridge (No. 92), Ball & Pyramid Lakes (No. 43), Pyramid Pass Trail (No. 13), Pyramid Peak (No. 7), Fisher Peak (No. 27), and Trout Lake (No. 41).

The food fueled Firefighters through the next ten plus hours while they worked with their partners from Forestry Services and IDL patrolling the Westside Road area.