Wednesday, February 12, 2025

BCSD notifies parents and guardians right to inspect and review student records

| September 4, 2022 1:00 AM

Boundary County School District No. 101 hereby notifies parents and guardians that they have the right to inspect and review student records. Student records include accident and student conduct reports and data, standardized test data, health information and directory information.

Requests should be made to the appropriate building principal. Parents/guardians who believe the information contained in their child’s school records is inaccurate, misleading or violates the privacy or other rights of the student may request the records be amended. Requests for viewing and/or amending, changing or deleting portions of student records are to be addressed to the building principal. Appeals may be made through the district grievance policy which is available upon request at the district administration office.

A student’s teachers, principal, counselors or other staff personnel authorized by the superintendent as having a legitimate demonstrated interest in the student’s records will have access to the records.

The full text of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (P.L. 93-380, Section 513) and regulations is available at the district administration office. These regulations pertain to the content, disclosure, inspection, review and destruction of education records.

District No. 101, in compliance with the Privacy Act, is hereby giving notification of intention to release student directory information that may contain the following:

The student’s name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, degree and awards received, the most recent previous educational agency or institution attended by the student, and other similar information.

Parents/guardians who do not want some or all of the above information released concerning their child must contact the building administrator responsible for the student records by Sept. 15 of the current school year.

• Bonners Ferry High School: 208-267-3149

• Naples Elementary: 208-267-2956

• Boundary Co. Middle School: 208-267-5852

• Mt. Hall Elementary: 208-267-5276

• Special Services: 208-267-7962

• Valley View Elementary: 208-267-5519

Boundary County School District No. 101 District Office is located at 7188 Oak St., Bonners Ferry. Call 208-267-3146, fax 208-267-7217 or visit