Monday, March 10, 2025

Grace Bible Church’s 27th Annual Awana Grand Prix

by DIANE ZWINGER Contributing Writer
| April 6, 2023 1:00 AM

Competition was fierce and smiles were contagious as Grace Bible Church along with Springs of Living Water Free Methodist Awana clubbers took time out from reciting Bible verses, playing fast-action games, and participating in Bible-based council time lessons to race their hand-crafted pinewood creations.

Design trophy winners in the 3-5 year old (Cubbies) division: first, Olivia Merrifield; second, Everleigh Merrifield; and third, Sabrina Jefferson.

Speed Trophy winners in the Cubbies division were first, William Fields; second, Lucile Fields; and third, Lucas Wermelinger.

Design trophy winners in the K-second grade (Sparks) division: first, Piper Kizanis; second, Teddy Hansberry; and third, Logan Craig.

Speed trophy winners in the Sparks division were first, Madison Rogers; second, Ben Rogers; and third, Gemma Harris.

Design trophy winners in the third-sixth grade (T&T) division: first, Liesl Dice; second, Wyatt Frederico; and third, Lindy Teele.

Speed trophy winners for the T&T division were first, Wyatt Frederico; second, Addie Merrifield; and third, Weston Teele.

Open Class Design trophy winners included: first, Charlie Frederico; second, Miriam Frederico; and third, Charis Frederico.

Open Class Speed trophy winners were first, Charlie Frederico; second, Charis Frederico; and third, Matteo Frederico.

Well-earned participation ribbons also went out to: Boaz and Bethel Callender; Ember and Rio Nadeau; Saxson Craig; Finley Kizanis; Mariah, Caleb, Brian, Sarah and Elijah Plant; William Fields; Olivia Dahlberg; Leona and Solly Wermelinger; Abram Frederico; Gianna Merrifield; James, Charles and Hans Wold; Ethan Heikson; Jonathan Hollabaugh and Trinity Newman.

A very special thanks to Race official Glenn Plant of Springs of Living Water Awana; Track official Andrew Allinger; Scorekeeper Miriam Frederico; and video recorder JoAnn Velasco of GBC Awana who did exceptional jobs in making sure this 10 year event of the fun and friendly rivalry between the two Awana’s ran smoothly and efficiently.

And a very special thanks also to Design judges: Arlyn Thurber, JoAnn Velasco, Bob Saboe and Steve Fields, and line judges: Arlyn Thurber, Steve Fields, Bob Saboe, Christina Newman, and Charlie and Matteo Frederico.

Finally, a special thanks also to Si, Jace, and Riley Thompson, Johnny and Rhett Upshaw (Scouts troop 114B) who brought and set up the beautifully hand-crafted Rich Carlson memorial track we’ve had the great privilege of racing on now for 27 years.

Grace Bible Church Awana (ages 3 through sixth grade) meets Wednesdays through mid-May from 4:30-6 p.m. (Call or text Diane Zwinger at 208-255-8547 for more information).

Springs of Living Water Awana (ages 3-middle school) meets Wednesdays from 5:30-7 p.m. (Contact Alan Hinson 208-597-0504 for more info)

Submitted by Grace Bible Church’s (formerly Grace Bible Fellowship) Awana director, Diane Zwinger (208-255-8547)


(Courtesy Photo)

(Sparks as pictured in red vests) (left) Piper Kizanis, Ben Rogers, Gemma Harris, Madison Rogers, Teddy Hansberry and Logan Craig.


(Courtesy Photo)

(T&T winners-green/white shirt) Speed winners, (left) Wyatt Frederico, first; Addie Merrifield second; Weston Teele, third; and design winners Liesl Dice, first; Wyatt Frederico, second; and Lindy Teele, third.