Monday, March 03, 2025

Legals for April, 13 2023

| April 13, 2023 12:00 AM

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE On Friday, the 28th day of July, 2023, at the hour of 10 o’clock A.M., of said day at the office of the Successor Trustee at 312 S. First Avenue, Sandpoint, ID 83864, Lisa K. Moline, as Successor Trustee, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash (the Successor Trustee is authorized to make a credit bid for the Beneficiary) in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of the sale, the following described real property, situated in Boundary County, State of Idaho, to-wit: For the purposes of compliance with Idaho Code 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the address of 75 West Elmira Rd., Sandpoint, Idaho may sometimes be associated with said real property.  Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the deed of Trust executed by Michelle Rose Thomas and William Lawrance Thomas, III, wife and husband, as Grantors, to First American Title Company, as Trustee, for the benefit and security of The Buti Family Living Trust UAD 2-18-2016, as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust having been recorded on March 19, 2018, as Instrument No. 919602, records of Bonner County, Idaho. The above Grantors are named to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a). No representation is made that they are or are not presently responsible for this obligation. The default for which this sale is to be made is failure of the Grantors to pay when due, monthly installments as set forth on the Note secured by said Deed of Trust. Monthly installments in the amount of $1,181.00, which includes principal and interest, is due for August 2022, and the 1st day of each and every month thereafter until paid. Interest due as of February 13, 2023, is in the amount of $4,293.27 and continues to accrue at the rate of 6% per annum. All delinquent amounts are now due and payable along with all costs and fees associated with this foreclosure. The principal balance owing, as of February 13, 2023, on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is $118,466.96, plus accruing interest, fees and costs. Dated this 13th day of February, 2023. Signed:/s/ Lisa K. Moline, Successor Trustee NOTICE REQUIRED BY IDAHO LAW Mortgage foreclosure is a legal proceeding where a lender terminates a borrower’s interest in property to satisfy unpaid debt secured by the property. This can mean that when a homeowner gets behind on his or her mortgage payments, the lender forces a sale of the home on which the mortgage loan is based. Some individuals or businesses may say they can “save” your home from foreclosure. You should be cautious about such claims. It is important that you understand all the terms of a plan to “rescue” you from mortgage foreclosure and how it will affect you. It may result in your losing valuable equity that you may have in your home. If possible, you should consult with an attorney or financial professional to find out what other options you may have. Do not delay seeking advice, because the longer you wait, the fewer options you may have. Under Idaho law, you have five (5) days to rescind or undo certain contracts or agreements that relate to transferring interests in property or money in a foreclosure situation. An attorney or financial professional can tell you more about this option. Legal#11053 AD#6720 March 23, 30, April 6, 13, 2023

NOTICE TO CREDITORS (I.C. 15-3-801) Case No. CV11-23-0049 IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF BOUNDARY MAGISTRATE DIVISION In the Matter of the Estate of: EMILY VALO GUTHRIE, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that MARCIA PARKS has been appointed Personal Representative of the estate of the above-named decedent. All persons having claims against the decedent or the estate are required to present their claims within four (4) months after the date of the first publication of the Notice to Creditors, or within sixty (60) days after the undersigned mailed or delivered a copy of this Notice to such person, whichever is later, or said claims will be forever barred. Claims must be presented to Timothy B. Wilson, Attorney at Law, P.O. Box 3009, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, and filed with the Clerk of Court. DATED this 17TH day of March, 2023. /s/TIMOTHY B. WILSON Attorney for Personal Representative of the Estate of Emily Valo Guthrie Legal#11059 AD#6949 March 30, April 6, 13, 2023 _________________________

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 07/13/2023 at the hour of 2:00 PM of said day, at Boundary County Courthouse the Trustee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in lawful money of the United States of America, all payable at the time of sale, the following described real property situated in the County of Boundary, State of Idaho, and described as follows, to-wit: The land referred to in this document is situated in the State of Idaho, County of Boundary, and is described as follows:        A tract of land in the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (NE1/4 NE1/4) of Section Fifteen (15), Township Sixty-two (62) North, Range Two (2) East, of the Boise Meridian, Boundary County, Idaho; more particularly described as follows: Commencing as a point on the east line of said Section 15 that is S 0°25’56” W, 1042.87 feet from the northeast corner of Section 15; thence, perpendicular to said east line, N 89°34’04”W, 975.04 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence, N 35°20’06”E, 211.59 feet; thence, N 47°46’02”W, 56.78 feet to the southerly right of way of the Union Pacific Railroad; thence, along said right of way on a spiral curve to the right (centerline-a=2, delta=2°15’, length=150 feet) on a chord of S 49°28’46” W, 148.75 feet; thence, S 50°11’59” W, 116.74 feet; thence, leaving said right of way, N 74°38’07” E, 15.59 feet; thence, S 83°03’09” E, 69.28 feet; thence, S 47°41’51” E, 52.23 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, encompassing an area of 0.43 acres.    TOGETHER WITH an easement 20 feet in width for access and utilities being 10 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at a point on the east line of said Section 15 that is S 0°25’56”W, 1161.07feet from the northeast corner of Section 15; thence, perpendicular to said east line, N 89°34’04”W, 1013.98 feet to a point on the centerline of old U.S. Highway Number 2 and TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this easement; thence, N 21°53’03” E, 46.59 feet; thence, N 20°10’50” W, 48.87 feet; thence, N 38°20’51”W, 37.92 feet; thence, N 37°07’43” W, 33.41 feet; thence, on a curve to the right with a central angle of 59°05’41”, and a radius of 13.50 feet, for an anc distance of 13.92 feet (chord=N 7°34’52” W, 13.31 feet) to the southerly boundary of the above described property and the terminus of this easement, with the sidelines being extended or shortened to intersect adjacent boundaries.    SUBJECT TO an easement 20 feet in width for access and utilities being 10 feet on each side of the following described centerline: Commencing as a point on the east line of said Section 15 that is S 0°25’56” W, 1002.74 feet from the northeast corner of Section 15; thence, perpendicular to said east line, N 89°34’04” W, 1060.11 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of this easement; thence, on a curve to the right, with a central angle of 74°58’53”, a radius of 13.50 feet, for an arc distance of 17.67 feet (chord= N 59°27’25” E, 16.43 feet); thence, S 83°03’09” E, 36.63 feet; thence, S 47°41’51” E, 54.20 feet to the eastern boundary of the above described property and the terminus of this easement, with the sidelines being extended or shortened to intersect adjacent boundaries. The Seller has no knowledge of a more particular description of the above described real property, but for purposes of compliance with Idaho Code Section 60-113, the Trustee has been informed that the street address of 119 Electric Ave., Moyle Springs, ID 83845, may sometimes be associated with said real property. Said sale will be made, without covenant or warranty regarding title, possession or encumbrances, to satisfy the obligation secured by and pursuant to the power of sale conferred in the Deed of Trust made and entered into on 06/09/2015, by and among Richard Warren Anderson, an unmarried person, as Grantor, and Community Title, LLC, as Trustee, and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Mountain West Bank, Division of Glacier Bank, as Beneficiary; said Deed of Trust having been filed of record on 06/11/2015 as No. 264037, Official Records of Boundary County, Idaho. The naming of the above Grantor(s) is done to comply with Idaho Code Section 45-1506(4)(a); no representation is made as to the responsibility of Grantor(s) for this obligation.  The default for which the sale is to be made is that Grantor(s) have failed to pay one or more monthly installment payments under a deed of trust note dated 06/09/2015, secured by the above mentioned Deed of Trust, together with accruing late charges, plus any other charges lawfully due under the note, deed of trust, and Idaho law. The balance owing as of 02/17/2023 on the obligation secured by said Deed of Trust is the amount of $48,223.90; plus service charges, late charges, and any other costs or expenses associated with this foreclosure as provided by the Deed of Trust or Deed of Trust Note, or by Idaho law. Legal#11064 AD#7505 April 13, 20, 27, May 4, 2023 _________________________

Curley Creek Volunteer Fire District (CCVFD) These are the rates that CCVFD will charge for non-member fires. 2023 Personnel & Equipment Rates Initial Response Charge $300/event Fire Chief $46/hr FireFighter $23/hr Support Vehicle $6/hr Wildland Engine $62/hr Water Tender $106/hr Structure Engine $123/hr Legal#11065 AD#7532 April 13, 20, 2023

INVITATION TO BID  2023 CHLORIDE DUST PALLIATIVE MATERIALS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of County Commissioners of Boundary County, Idaho will be accepting bids for Chloride Dust Palliative Materials in place on Boundary County roadways.                       BID FORM, BIDDER’S INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS can be obtained at the Clerk’s Office in Boundary County, Idaho Courthouse located in Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Phone: (208) 267-2242. SUCH BID FORM INSTRUCTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS must be substantially complied with and such documents include special requirements including Bidder’s Security. The amount of the bid bond shall be 5% of the total bid for the product that is bid on. Bid prices to be based on tonnage, as set out in paragraph one. EQUAL PHYSICAL AND COMMUNICATIONS access for people with disabilities as required by Title II of the ADA will be provided with reasonable advance notice of “3” working days. NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION IN PROCUREMENT. Boundary County, in accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 78 Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. 2000d to 2000d-4 and Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations, Department of Transportation, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary, Part 21, Nondiscrimination in Federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation issued pursuant to such Act, hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively ensure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises as defined at 49 CFR Part 23 will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids in response to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or retaliation in consideration for an award. Idaho Code 67-2801; 67-2805 (2); 67-2349. BIDS MUST BE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK on or before Friday, April 28, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. Sealed bids can be hand delivered to the Clerk’s Office at 6452 Kootenai St., Rm#22, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, or mailed to P.O. Box 419, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805. Bids will be opened in the Boundary County Commissioners’ Office, 6452 Kootenai St., Rm#28, Bonners Ferry, Idaho, on Monday, May 1, 2023, at 1:30 p.m. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to accept bids deemed in the best interest of Boundary County. BOARD OF BOUNDARY COUNTY COMMISSIONERS: s/Tim Bertling, Chairman s/Wally Cossairt, Commissioner s/Ben Robertson, Commissioner Legal#11066 AD#7542 April 13, 20, 2023 _________________________

SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION CITY OF BONNERS FERRY ORDINANCE NO. 607 REGARDING AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FILE #ZC03-22, WILLIAM BAKER (BOUNDARY TRACTOR) Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-901A, the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho hereby gives notice of the adoption of City of Bonners Ferry Ordinance No. 607 adopted on April 4, 2023. The full title of the ordinance is: An ordinance of the City of Bonners Ferry, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho, amending the official zoning map of Bonners Ferry from Residential B to Commercial for certain lands located within the incorporated city limits of Bonners Ferry, Idaho; providing severability and providing this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval, and publication according to law. The legal description of the subject 0.33-acre property is: The West Half of Lot 18 of Jackson’s Sunny Home Sites, as it is recorded in Book 1-C of Plats, Page 77, records of Boundary County, Idaho, LESS the South Half of the South Half of said Lot 18. The ordinance amends the Official Zoning Map to rezone the subject lands owned by William Baker from Residential B to Commercial.  The full text of Ordinance No.607is available at Bonners Ferry City Hall, 7232 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, during regular business hours.  City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho /s/James R. “Dick” Staples, Mayor ATTEST: /s/Deborah Garcia, City Clerk City Attorney Statement Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-901A(3) I, Andrakay Pluid, duly appointed City Attorney for the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, certify that the above summary is true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public. Dated:4/13/2023 Legal#11067 AD#7557 April 13, 2023 _________________________

SUMMARY FOR PUBLICATION CITY OF BONNERS FERRY ORDINANCE NO. 606 REGARDING AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL ZONING MAP FILE #ZC02-21, FJC, LLC/BOUNDARY COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-901A, the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho hereby gives notice of the adoption of City of Bonners Ferry Ordinance No.606 adopted on April 4, 2023. The full title of the ordinance is: An ordinance of the City of Bonners Ferry, a municipal corporation of the State of Idaho, amending the official zoning map of Bonners Ferry from Residential A to “Conditional” Commercial for certain lands located within the incorporated city limits of Bonners Ferry, Idaho; providing severability and providing this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, approval, and publication according to law. The legal description of the subject 0.096 acres of land is: The site is known as a portion of Tax 195 & Tax 196 less Tax 215, in Section 22, Township 62 North, Range 1 East, B.M., and addressed at 6497 Comanche Street. The ordinance amends the Official Zoning Map to rezone the subject lands owned by FJC, LLC from Residential A to Commercial.  The full text of Ordinance No.606 is available at Bonners Ferry City Hall, 7232 Main Street, Bonners Ferry, Idaho 83805, during regular business hours.  City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho /s/James R. “Dick” Staples, Mayor ATTEST: /s/Deby Garcia, City Clerk City Attorney Statement Pursuant to Idaho Code Section 50-901A(3) I, Andrakay Pluid, duly appointed City Attorney for the City of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, certify that the above summary is true and complete and provides adequate notice to the public. Dated: 4/13/2023 Legal#11068 AD#7561 April 13, 2023 _________________________