Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lincoln Day Dinner 2023

| April 16, 2023 1:00 AM

NAPLES — The Boundary County Republican Central Committee is hosting its annual Lincoln Day Dinner and fundraiser on Saturday, May 6 at the Great Northwest Territories Event Center.

Social horror starts at 5 p.m. and dinner will be at 6 p.m. Congressman Russ Fulcher will be the keynote speaker and other elected officials are set to attend.

This is the only BCRCC fundraiser for the year and proceeds go toward committee dues.

Tickets cost $55 and must be purchased in advance. For tickets contact the following:

Dave Wenk, NaplesPCGOP@gmail.com, 260-414-8467; Sue Larson, VVPCGOP@gmail.com, 208-627 7552; Greg Lamberty, G.Lamberty@frontier.com, 208-267-0541.

Great Northwest Territories Event Center, 998 Mountain Meadows Road, Naples.