Sunday, March 09, 2025

Bohachek offers stable leadership on library board

| April 20, 2023 1:00 AM

If you live in Library Zone 3 (as I do) or in Zone 5, you have an important, upcoming election to choose your zone's library board member. Check with the courthouse clerk to discover which library zone you are in.

Small elections can be confusing because of varying boundaries, sometimes with only a few districts voting. The easiest solution — while at the courthouse — is to request absentee ballots for the whole year, which will be mailed to you about a month before each election you are eligible to vote in. Then return your voted ballot, either in person at the courthouse or mailed in. Register at the courthouse this month to get an absentee ballot mailed to you in time for this election.

I worked at our library for seven years, often attending board meetings, and closely following recent turmoil. So I confidently recommend electing incumbent Aaron Bohachek to a second term as Zone 3 library board member. Aaron's educational background, with a degree in journalism from the University of Idaho, trained him to research facts carefully and to attempt to understand all viewpoints before decision-making.

Do you remember last year, when an attempt was made to recall some board members? Everyone recognized Aaron's stable leadership, so there was no attempt to recall him because he was doing an excellent job.

If you live in Library Zone 3, please vote to return Aaron Bohachek to the board on May 16. Thank you.


Bonners Ferry