Friday, March 14, 2025

This Week In History - April 27, 2023

| April 27, 2023 1:00 AM

100 Years Ago

Practically all the members of the Bonners Ferry Lodge No. 43, A.F. and A.M. attended a meeting last night called for the purpose of discussing Masonic Temple building plans and by an almost unanimous vote it was decided to accept the offer of the First National Bank, permitting the lodge to construct a second story for lodge purposed, over the present bank building and the addition to be constructed covering 60 by 110 feet, provided arrangements can be made to finance the project.

The ambition of the members of the Grandview Cemetery Association to secure water with which to keep the cemetery grounds fresh and green has at last been realized. The work of laying the pipelines, installing a special pump, and securing needed funds, has been completed and from now on it will be possible to proceed with the permanent improvements planned for the cemetery.

At the election held Tuesday, the following were elected to serve on the town council; H.W. Bliss, O.F. Howe, Jos. Jacoby, John Muhlfeld, and F.A. Shultis.

50 Years Ago

Amateur Boxing at the new high school gym — fighters will come from Gonzaga University, Morning Star Boys Ranch, Sandpoint, Troy, Nelson and Trail.

Kim Norwood received both blue ribbons in the High School Festival of Art, which is on display now and for the next week at Boundary County Free Library. Kim is a senior at B.F.H.S. and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norwood.

Details were released this week regarding a 12-team high school invitational track meet here on Tuesday afternoon and evening, May 8, which is hoped to become as big here as the annual grade school basketball tourney.

15 Years Ago

Michaela Dirks was named Bonners Ferry Junior Miss for 2008 during Saturday’s program at Bonners Ferry High School. She will follow in the footsteps of 2007 Junior Miss Ellen Gatchell. Michaela, who was sponsored by Boundary Community Theater, is the daughter of Sheryl and Kevin Dirks.

Boundary County Airport has received a $546,250 federal grant for improvements that are expected to create economic benefits for the region. Part of the funding will be used to improve taxiways so bigger jets can land.

— Submitted by the Boundary County Museum