Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Newly formed Republican Women group emerges

| August 10, 2023 1:00 AM

BONNERS FERRY — Local women have formed the Panhandle Republican Women, a club affiliated with the the Idaho Federation of Republican Women and the National Federation of Republican Women.

In a press release issued on Aug. 7, they announced their goals are to support and promote the Republican Party and its platform and to educate voters about Republican candidates. They hope to form a good working relationship with the Republican Central Committees in Bonner and Boundary counties encompassing Idaho Legislative District I, in order to foster loyalty to the Republican party at all levels of government in accordance with the Rules of the Idaho GOP and Club’s bylaws.

Meetings will be held the third Wednesday of the month, starting on Sept. 20, at 6:30 p.m. Location to be announced. Republican candidates that wish to speak to our group will be welcomed.

PRW also plans to facilitate opportunities for candidates to speak to the public, such as debates, forums, town halls and more. They also aim to arrange additional speakers to talk about topics of significance to the community in the near future.

Any woman registered as a Republican is welcome to join. Normal membership is $35. Men may also join as associate members, although they will not be allowed to vote as a member. Associate memberships are $20.

Current officers include: President, Elena Quinn; Vice President, Mary Fioravanti; Secretary, Mary-Esther Wilson; and Treasurer, Tiffany Nichols.

Panhandle Republican Women is hosting a booth all week at the fair and welcomes fair-goers to stop by.